Wow that is a pretty good deal for under $200. Congrats
Wow that is a pretty good deal for under $200. Congrats
Can't go wrong with gaming on the cheap.
I kind of like those Cabela games. It sucks it that your console didn't read that part of the disc. Sounds like the problem that the PS2 had where some of them couldn't read the blue bottom games.
That flight sim sounds tough. Top Gun turned me off to landing on carriers.
Yeah it is lame. The publishers don't have to, but they should offer some sort of freebie for PS3 users because we're not experiencing the full game like the users on the other consoles.
Nice! I too have been playing a bit of PS2, but I've gone to play through Band Hero. That sucks not being able to play the Trilogy. It would be nice if all the bugs and what not are out of the system so we can enjoy their products.
EDIT: Since I can't find an edit button (I'm probably just not seeing it) I decided to post a little update. I can play the game if the PS3 isn't online which means the problem has to be on Disney's end. The game itself is fun, think Saints Row but not raunchy meets Tapped Out with the creation part. I only tried out the Incredibles world, and I'll probably try out the other world's later. At some point it would be nice to play this online.
I can't remember if you can skip it, but there is a card inside the set that has a code to input on a computer so you don't have to register through the console
I tried listening to one album per day. The only one that sounds like it doesn't belong is Zooropa. Every other album I managed to find one or two songs I really like
Yeah it was random, everything worked fine, and then blinking. No problems since. You would think I woud learn from the PSP and their nub problems (proud owner of a 1000 and 3000 series...and both have nub problems)
Wow they brought him back. You would think the Sith could bring back his legs too .
Depends on my mood...I really can't pick but that isn't an option so overall I guess I lean towards Over The Top.