Glad to see your kitty is fine.
If I were you, I would start with the first Danganronpa before the sequel.
Glad to see your kitty is fine.
If I were you, I would start with the first Danganronpa before the sequel.
Shame, since this looked like a game with a lot of potential.
Now I would like to know how bad is that Wacky Races game. I used to love that series as a kid.
My condolences Peter. Hope she turns out all right.
At the very least you can say you've played Halo in some form
So do I. It's honetly pretty curious and nice how you can take a modern game, but demake it on the style of another plataform. That gives a lot of thought and hard work considering the limitations on past hardware.
Not 1983, that's the start of the game crash. Better yet, in 1980, that I would do.
Now you remember
Well, Bastion came before Transistor (2011), but both, as far as i'm concerned, are not set in the same universe, so nope.
Happy birthday(s)! Remember to keep calm with the booze
So far i've only played Super Mario Galaxy 2, but that one with the first game are not only my favorite Plataformers and Wii games, but my favorite games of all-time.
Mirror's Edge I really want to play, so i'm hoping for a Steam sale. I also want to play the Sly games someday.
Rayman Legends i'm holding until I finish Origins, which is already my favorite 2D Plataformer of the Wii.