I never could make it far in this game. Probably not even past the first level since I had no idea what I was supposed to do lol. Swimming around and jumping out of the water was fun though. I might try this game again someday.
I never could make it far in this game. Probably not even past the first level since I had no idea what I was supposed to do lol. Swimming around and jumping out of the water was fun though. I might try this game again someday.
AWESOME!!! What kind did you get? I didn't want to say anything yet... but I'm getting a X51 very soon, and am so super excited!
I finished Mutant Mudds Deluxe a little ways back. There's a lot of levels, but they are short, and it didn't take me long. That was a great game. Simple platforming fun. Good luck working through your backlog. Mine is utterly insane lol.
Nice! I don't see how you could go wrong with free Batman.
I wonder what this would do to Gamefly. It'd be like the same thing except with no shipping hassles. I don't mind Steam for the most part, but I'll never go fully digital.
Yet another list I've played nothing off of lol. I imagine it will be even worse next year. I'll probably get Brothers eventually though. That game looks like it would be fun.
Those books look really nice. Is this a limited time thing? I added them to my wishlist on Amazon. Not like I have any money right now lol.
I've finished the story for every GTA game up to GTA 4. Every once in a while I'll go on a rampage, and cause mindless destruction and what not, but I like playing through the story missions too.
I've been playing Blood Dragon as well and am enjoying it way more than I thought I would. Those cut scenes are freaking hilarious and Michael Biehn is the man!
My question is WTF is this crap getting so many comments? And WTF am I bothering to add to them lol.
Nice work! Thanks for sharing your artwork. All of these games are great. Although whenever I think about Battletoads and Ninja Gaiden it's usually not pleasent lol. I kinda have a love / hate relationship with those two. They are insanely difficult!