Poor Tails...the last of his sanity=gone!
Poor Tails...the last of his sanity=gone!
A fellow Net-Flixian I see! Bro fist!
I feel the same...as in I can be more charismatic with writing as opposed to actually being charismatic through speaking. Then again, I believe we can all improve in every area,even those we're poor at initially!
Wedgies look better on women!
I know you were just joking,Cary. lol. But yeah,that is one peep from hell!
That's a good question,Knight! I also find that macabre mixed with sexiness can make something more surreal and dream like too.
Nick,REPRESENT! (Just uh...don't send me any of your crap. lol) But one thing...I wanted "Disney Princess Fairy-tale Adventure". The fact Chris got dibs on that makes me boil with jealous indignant rage! (Julian,nice shirt,bro!)
PS: Matt,you mad? (troll face)
PPS: Bad...really really bad!
A fellow Drizzt fan, my geek-side is impressed! And Nicole? Your avatar is adorable!
I need to get Extend at some point.....I just felt burned that even after buying Calamity Trigger amd Continuum shift,neither were the definitive version. But I guess that's just the nature of fighting games in general!
It's good your neighborhood has gotten better instead of worse. I'm level grinding too but most of it has been in Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity or Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen. lol.