Huh. Interesting. Everybody I've talked to that's into programming (hobbyists and amateurs mind you) told me it's MUCH easier to work on the the Xbox 360. They do PC programming though, so that's probably why, since the systems are similar.
Huh. Interesting. Everybody I've talked to that's into programming (hobbyists and amateurs mind you) told me it's MUCH easier to work on the the Xbox 360. They do PC programming though, so that's probably why, since the systems are similar.
I recall Capcom doing something similar with their 3DS releases, stating it was based on the size of the cart. Honestly it's been a long time coming. I never really understood paying 69.99 for a simple party game and a AAA title bursting with content like Skyrim.
Having never owned a PS2, I really don't know much about these games. Are they Sony exclusives or does the publisher just see no reason to create an Xbox 360 version?
I probably say this in every post on sexuality in gaming, but I can't help at get pissed off at how dumb the media thinks men are. Seriously, Need to generate some traffic? Grab a hot chick and have her expose some cleavage while she talks about games and the brainless cavemen will line our pockets with cash from the advertising hits.
Not all websites pander like this, but I'm not afraid to say that it's one of the reasons I despise G4 now. That's not a dig on Webb, she seems pretty cool despite how they marketed her, but they have a certain other anchor that really is transparently just there as eye candy. It's disgusting.
Sad thing is... it works.
This still isn't too bad. They don't have to re-develop the engine and they were probably able to re-use a lot of the assets they had in and left over from FF XIII. They probably still made a crap ton of money even with (relatively) low sales
@ Jesse and Rob - Also, the re-translated and updated Final Fantasy Tactics is outstanding in my opinion. The story actually makes sense now!
For what it's worth, I didn't enjoy Bastion either in it's current form. I think it would play better for me as a portable game. I've mentioned this in every post on the game on this website, but I would pre-order this game (even though I despise the practice) if it came out for the 3ds. I do think the game is worthy of the majority of the praise it's received though.
I also really enjoyed the exclusivity / DLC rant. Well done.
I wonder how region locking works down under. Are they on their own system, or are they on the same system as Europe or Asia or something. I mean, unless Australia is an exclusive region, all this will do is encourage them to import.
Since I'm an Xbox gamer, this really is my first shot at some of these games. I'm really considering picking this one up.
Rayman Origins got a mention. This pleases me.