I am currently using a Hero, a Champion (both maxed) a Druid (taking forever) and a Black Bishop.
I am currently using a Hero, a Champion (both maxed) a Druid (taking forever) and a Black Bishop.
vocations is when the game really starts. I still need to finish the final dungeon but I'm compelled to master every vocation. I don't think I have all the monster hearts though.
WoFF has been such a pleasant surprise for me. The strategy in forming your stacks, the catching monsters pokemon style and levelling them up. Having them able to transfigure into more powerful monsters and then back again if you need to. After a short while the Pop figure characters become just part of the landscape.
Well worth a purchase for any RPG fan.
I put 2 hours in today. I'm at the point where you can start fishing. As much as I want to feed that poor kitty I hate fishing mini games. I'm not really good at the battle system either but I'm giving it a shot.
I feel your pain. 2014 and 2015 were horrible for me financially but my luck changed in January of 2016 and hopefully continues into 2017, I hope yours does too.
I was not going to touch FF XV with a ten foot pole but it went on sale for $30 off here in Canada during Boxing week. I bought it two days ago.
Yep, I'm off until next Tuesdsay. Hoping to get some gaming in.
Right back atcha Andrew.
Bring on the feats of strength.i
You bet. The Rats in the Walls woke me up to find that the Sleeper of R'lyeh had indeed visited in the night
Yep, Trails of Cold Steel is a good one. I bought the second game the day it came out.
I need to go through all the Trails games. Never finished the first Trails in the Sky in 4 attempts. I need to focus and do it.