I once kept hitting post, not realizing it was set to Draft... and that was after i had re-written the blog!
I once kept hitting post, not realizing it was set to Draft... and that was after i had re-written the blog!
I dont own a PSP: But MGS Portable Opps is one of my favorite MGS games. I own it but not a psp. Im playing Metal Gear MSX, Metal Gear Snake's Revenge MSX. MGS1 ps1. MGS1 ps1 Japan version. MGS2, MGS3, MGS4 and MGS Twin Snakes. and MGS Peace Walker.... that's 9...I might add a few more Japan releases.
Monty: It doesnt take but a second to add the words Spoilers Ahead. that is what pissed me off about the EGM article. But in that case I feel like the author assumed everyone already knew the spoiler...but he was wrong and it really ruined it for me. So I am blacking it all out. hahahaha
Ms Britt...What! you've never played a Metal Gear Game! I am speechless...hahahahah. Im just kidding. the series isnt for everone. But I say give it a try and you might just suprise yourself and like them.
Chris: After just replaying MGS2 and watching all the cutscenes and listening to all the codecs I appreciate it much more.. Yes, wait until you can enjoy and savor the MGS games at your leisure. And also, you did the smart thing, I try not to have Spoilers but sometimes even I can't help it.
Wayde: I used to not think much of spoilers until I started playing sequels...then it really became important to not know anything about the game......I never watch a review of a game I am going to buy....If I can play the demo...I can usually judge for myself.
Surfcaster: Thanks, that's all Im asking.
Atlus: With a series as popular as MGS I'm bound to see a few spoilers, but hopefully I can keep it too a minimum. and thanks for not spoiling anything here! ahahahahah
Chunopo: Aliens Colonial Marines...exactly what I am talking about, I read all those bad reviews and internet web reivews....if that was my type of game i wouldnt have even given it a chance....and thats a shame. Because its got to be good for someone!
Ben: I kinda figured you wouldnt spoil it for me unless you hear some wild out of the left field crazy rumor that you just can not contain yourself.....but I'll keep my eye on you mister!