I haven't played a single game that I have bought on humble bundle.
I haven't played a single game that I have bought on humble bundle.
That sounds like one of the most solid humble bundles I have seen in a while. Too bad I already have all those games, and have sworn off of that site. SteamWorld Dig is still one of my favourite games... I should probably get around to finishing it on the Vita.
At the same time, arent those games always cross buy
I am just looking forward to spending as much time with Destiny as I possibly can, which isnt anywhere near the amount that I would like.
Whenever it comes to the Vita I will probably get it.
I would definitely find myself picking up Kirby Warriors. I think that it would have to be the greatest game EVER.
While I do agree with these 5 points, I find myself having difficulty putting the game down. At the same time, you have probably put a significant more amount of time into the game than I have. So, we will see if I burn out in the next week or so.
Destiny already came out.
There are only two games that I can think of that defined 2000 for me, Chrono Cross and Perfect Dark. I haven't played Perfect Dark on the N64 in a long time, but I have played the XBL port and enjoyed it quite a bit... I have played throught most of the original Goldeneye and felt that it help up decently so I would assume that Perfect Dark would as well.
As far as Chrono Cross is concerned. It was one of the first jRPGs that I really sank my teeth into.
My joke answer would be Solid Snake. He would sneak his way into this match up and take down both Agent 47 and Sam Fisher.