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Michael117's Comments - Page 70

Hard Games: The Good, the Bad, and the Broken

Posted on 02/23/2013 at 11:11 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Zelda II sounds really interesting, and it's terribly relevant because I'm planning on playing it once I finish Zelda 1. First Zelda game I ever played was Ocarina. I had an NES and SNES but I guess I missed out on those Zeldas or never had them come into my possession. I didn't know any better since I was so young but still, I wish I could have played them on the original console and controller.

I'm playing Zelda 1 on Gamecube via the Collector's Edition disc. It's taken a tiny bit of getting use to the control scheme. I love the GC controller but it's still a bit weird playing a game from NES on it. It's been amazing though so I don't want to sound like a downer. Once I finish Zelda I'm going right into Zelda II. I've heard things about the game and I think I'd like it a lot.

8-Bit Brews

Posted on 02/23/2013 at 11:04 PM | Filed Under Blogs

You're a pretty cooool cat J-Bone. I could imagine you and Dr. Zeschuck formerly of Bioware talking shop about beer crafting. I'd definitely like to have you send me a beer of some kind, maybe it will be one of the cool ideas we come up with here as you mentioned in the blog.

There's so much beer in games, any game I play has its own types. The first thing that comes to mind is something from Bioshock but I'd have to play the game some more and fish around for names, visual theme, and the kind of atmosphere the beers have. Another thing that always come to mind is beer in Elder Scrolls games, but often times it's wine not beer. The beer is just Mead and stuff and the types that actually have names, such as Surrielles from Oblivion is actually wine. I need some time, but I guarantee we can all come up with some great gaming beer themes.

There's gotta be some great Bioshock theme idea waiting around for us to find. It would be mighty relevant seeing as Infinite is coming and it's my most anticipated game in a long time. I haven't been so excited since, I don't know, probably Mass Effect 1 in 2007.


Posted on 02/23/2013 at 10:37 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Glad to see you come here Kay, I always liked your blogs and spirit on 1UP a lot. I hope you feel welcome and don't encounter too many hiccups with the systems lol. I look forward to seeing whatever it is you want to write, your cool poetry, random blogs, NSFW stuff, and anything else you see fit. Welcome!

Why 1UP was important to me

Posted on 02/23/2013 at 12:32 AM | Filed Under Blogs

That's great to hear! How's the cottage coming by the way, is the interior decorating done yet?

Where is our beloved gaming industry headed?

Posted on 02/23/2013 at 12:04 AM | Filed Under Blogs

That's awesome you have a masters in business, I will be coming to you for business questions sir lol. I've never had a strong understanding of business or economics so I just like to hear people talk about it so I can hopefully absorb a little bit. I can agree with your sentiments. We have seen some really golden times in gaming, and in the past generation things have become very tumultuous. But we can make a new era of great games and creativity. It has to be made and I want to take a part in that, it's a reason I'm so enthusiastic and positive about the future.

I want to see games challenge people again like they did to me when I was a kid. My games challenged me cognitively, emotionally, and intellectually in ways that school, the government, and society never had the courage to or creative to. I want to give back to the world of games through the games I'm going to make.

There have been many difficult stories to swallow and a lot of sad news, but we can get through this and come out much stronger.

Where is our beloved gaming industry headed?

Posted on 02/22/2013 at 10:30 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I personally think the future of gaming is as bright as ever. The industry isn't going anywhere, and certainly the art of game design isn't going anywhere. Things are always in a state of flux and it's only the empires involved that are being shifted around. Some live, some die, many just change with times and evolve. One company dies and 5 more are birthed in its wake.

Nowadays it's easier than ever to become educated in game design, it's easier to get your hands on free tools and engines, on free information and knowledge. PC gaming is on the rise again when just a few years ago people thought it was dead. More and more people are finding out that game design is an art you can actually persue with passion and make a living off of. I'm a budding designer and I have all the hope in the world, I can't be cynical about the future. I want to be realistic and keep my head on my shoulders, but at the same time I need my imagiation and ambition in the clouds. For the first time in a long time, homebrew developers are making a comeback and are able to be a part of this art again. Indies are finding new ways and opportunities to get games to people. It's the wild west in a good way. There's lots of opportunity, pathways, choices to make, and games to create.

The golden age of gaming hasn't even been seen yet, despite what most retro gamers will tell you lol. I love retro games and retro gamers though so I'm not knocking them.

Why 1UP was important to me

Posted on 02/22/2013 at 10:02 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Well met Ben lol. I couldn't be happier to see you. Did you say you were working on the game project before all this went down? I hope we can heard about it some more soon, your game idea is really cool and I like how you give updates and keep us in the loop like you do.

Why 1UP was important to me

Posted on 02/22/2013 at 10:01 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Well said. I just hope that even though the site is gone we will find a way to save the spirit. Like you said, 1UP was the community and I'm hoping the community can stay in touch and carry on together.

Why 1UP was important to me

Posted on 02/22/2013 at 09:59 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Thank you Snee. 1UP was a part of many of our lives, some for just a couple years or months, some for many many years. It's hard to see it go, but I hope we can all stay in touch and keep the spirit of our community going.

Why 1UP was important to me

Posted on 02/22/2013 at 09:58 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm really happy to see you Larry, I'm certainly looking forward to Metal Mondays. They have to survive all this, and they will!

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