and beer, don't forget beer.
and beer, don't forget beer.
What about jetpacks? You promised us jetpacks. :)
Sorry about that. Too much blood in my alcohol stream I'm afraid.
Seriously Black Friday is something Canada didn't start doing until a couple of years back and there used to be nothing in the way of deals anyway. Apparently England does it now too.
This year though my wife insisted we pick up that new coffee maker and I saw the deals at EB and they were too good to pass up.
No line ups, no pushing and shoving, no pepper spray. It was no busier in the stores than on a regular Saturday. It helped that most people here have to work.
I saw that code but not until I'd already bought the games. :(
What are you getting me? :)
I lined up outside Walmart at 4:00 am the morning of the launch to get one. When they finally opened the doors the manager came out and started counting people. Unfortunately he stopped counting at the EB Games manager in front of me. The rest of us were sent away.
Fortunately I know all the EB Games Managers and 3 days later I received a call from one of them telling me to get my butt over there. After waiting around at EB for an hour a shipment of Wiis came in and I was first in line.
Some of my favourites are:
Xenoblade Chronicles, Zack and Wiki, RE 4 Wii edition, The Mario Galaxy games, Fragile Dreams, Klonoa and a bunch more. I have over 50 games for it so in my mind it was well worth the investment.
Zack and Wiki is amazing. One my favourite games on the Wii
I can tell you where the skull with the golden horns is if you like? :)
I own this one on PC and PSP. I've started it on both systems and for the most part I really like it. I just seem to drift off to another game after a while. Maybe it's the fact that I grab too many Bracer quests and then get lost.
I need this plan but as Blake mentioned it's the timesink thing especially for a guy who plays RPGs almost exclusively. I've sunk 122 hours into DQ VII and I'm not finished yet.
I keep saying "I'll play a short game next" and then I don't. :)