Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. That is all.
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. That is all.
I LOVE SUPER MARIO SUNSHINE. Haha sorry...I want to play it again, but I have no way to do so :(
But it was still fun, wasn't it? LoL...I think I would have played any game back then just to be able to play. I did not get an actual console until the N64, so I lived off my Gameboy and other people's nice parents.
There was nothing like Mario 64!! I want to play it again because it really was a great game. I pride myself in being able to say that I was able to jump to the top of the castle before beating the game.
I am super terrible at first person shooters, but I toughed it out for Prime. I really enjoyed those games, and still go back to playing them. Fusion was great too, I should pull that one out again.
I was so impressed I still remember it so vividly. I'm sure that will turn into a "back in my day" moment at some, sigh.
I also had zero idea what I was doing, haha! But it was still the coolest thing I had ever played, so it did not matter. Then we were forced to go outside and "be kids". So rude of our parents.
I got Lego Marvel Avengers cheap and it was worth it. Still like Lego Jurassic Park better, because dinosaurs. But those games are super fun.
I think I'm better at some game genres than others. Like you, I suck at FPS games. I have a really hard time aiming or doing anything that requires you to feather the control stick. It didn't stop me from playing the hell out of Call of Duty with my friends, but I'm positive they only get me in their clan because they had to. My kill ratio was terrible. I really felt like if I kept playing I would get better...nope. I guess I just don't have the dextarity needed for it.
Other games, though, I feel I'm pretty good at. I like to problem solve and I enjoy a challenge. I will collect things until I reach completion. I love to do silly things, like jumping to the top of the castle in Mario 64 before beating the game.
Good, okay or bad, I always make sure I am enjoying myself. That's always my main focus.