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Beerfan's Comments - Page 8

Random update 6/12/13

Posted on 06/12/2013 at 06:50 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Sorry about Bandit.  Same thing happened with my cat last year.  He got sick after vaccines (the rabies combo one).  He was sick for a week.  The vets gave him 2 different antibiotics (at no cost too).  He was fine after 7 days or so, but I was worried. 

Latest Lightning Returns Trailer with more Snow!

Posted on 06/06/2013 at 10:51 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Unfortunately, for me, Lightning Returns and Squenix can go outside and play hide and go fuck themselves.  I got my money's worth out of FFXIII.  It started off slow, but by the end I enjoyed it (even though I had to read a story summary online to understand what the hell was going on).  I really enjoyed the battle system.  FFXIII-2 was a chore.  I finished it, but don't know why.  I could not give a shit about either of the characters and SE didn't bother developing them. Then I finally beat it and *spoiler alert*


To be fucking continued?  WTF.  SE is now EA?  Nickle and diming me.  Fuck that.  SE destroyed the last thread of goodwill they had left with me.  I am old.  SE was my favorite game company most of my life.  Now they are just shit.

The Official Word on Xbone and Game Ownership...Ugh

Posted on 06/06/2013 at 09:18 PM | Filed Under Blogs

If this is true, I am not buying an Bone.  I don't care if it gets Chrono Trigger 2, Skies of Arcadia 2 and FFVII HD.  MS won't get a dime from me.  I hope Sony sees this as a chance to be the good guy and get a competitive advantage.  But I am afraid Sony will do the same shit as MS.  I already dumped all my MS stock last week as I didn't want to be a part of this shit.  I just hope all this never makes it to launch.

Top 230 RPGs: 110-101

Posted on 06/05/2013 at 10:37 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I agree with you on the Saga and Mana games.  I just didn't really enjoy any of them, but didn't hate them either.  I loved Grandia's battle system (as with all Grandia games).  But the game became a chore to me.  I had to force myself to finish it (I liked 2&3 much better, while Xtreme was a terd).  I loved Shadow Hearts.  I like the (admittedly thin) history incorporated into them.  I love the characters and the story.  I am playing Covenant for the first time now.  It is even better (it bastardises history even further).  I like the humor in the games.  And the non video let's play guides I used for the games to make sure I don't miss shit are just as funny as the games.  I would have Shadow Hearts further up the list, but I understand.  No complaints about the rest.  Wild Arms 4 is still in my backlog.  I think I missed 111-150.  And 161-219 lol.

Rogue Shakespeare Oatmeal Stout Review

Posted on 06/04/2013 at 10:35 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I like Shakespeare Stout.  It was, at least at one point, the highest rated beer around.  I like it, but not as much as Samuel Smith Winter Welcome.  My favorite Rogue beer is Hazelnut Brown Nectar.  Man is it good. 

Thoughts on Odin Sphere

Posted on 06/02/2013 at 10:25 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I haven't played Odin Sphere.  I will probably buy it and give it a shot eventually.  It does seem to have its fans.

Tales of Symphonia and Symphonia 2 HD Remaster!

Posted on 06/01/2013 at 10:55 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Sweet.  Can't wait for this.  I know I am in the minority, but I even liked ToS2.  I thought it was pretty funny.  Tenebrae is still one of my favorite characters.

"Summer RPGs"

Posted on 06/01/2013 at 12:07 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I haven't played Ni No Kuni yet, but do own it.  I can t wait for Tales of Xillia.  I always seem to play a Tales game this time of year.  On grinding, it seems like most modern jrpgs have eliminated it.  If you just fight the battles in the normal course of the game you are in good shape.  That is much better than in the past.

Top 230 RPGs: 220-211

Posted on 05/31/2013 at 11:58 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Yeah, I have the third, but I hear it gets pretty silly (which is funny because the first two can be pretty silly).  One of the reasons I like them is because they make me laugh.  I may try to get the ps1 game too.

E3: I'm So Excited...I'm So Scared!

Posted on 05/31/2013 at 11:54 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I hear ya.  The Wiiu may be my last new console.  I will eventually buy it, even if I only use it for the new Xenoblade game (and I for see some good HD remakes).  If the Xbone rumors are true and the ps4 is similar, ima sit them out.  My biggest issue is the future.  I want to be able to play and buy these games in ten years.  I have bought an assload of ps2 games over the last 10 years.  Most of them used because they aren't available new.  If MS or Sony are out of the game system biz in ten years, then we are shit out of luck.  Sega was gone with a quickness.  Sony has lost billions of dollars over the last few years and are likely to spin off their entertainment business.  They cannot continue to bleed cash.  I hope consoles don't go download only, because that is not future proof.  And I cannot display downloads on my shelves.

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