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Philly Kuts's Comments - Page 8

Southern Tier Ipa Beer Review

Posted on 06/15/2013 at 07:50 PM | Filed Under Blogs

i'll have to get my hands on some 3 Floyds stuff because you seem to mention it a lot. I've had the Lakefront which is very good, but if you can get your hand on some southern Tier give it a go you won't be disappointed.

Southern Tier Ipa Beer Review

Posted on 06/15/2013 at 07:48 PM | Filed Under Blogs

This IPA by Southern Tier will be less hoppy IMO than the Sierra Nevada Torpedo IPA and has a sweeter pineapple flavor which i find to be very pleasant. if you can find this brew I  highlyrecommend it as an alternative to your usual Torpedo IPA.

Coors Light Beer Review

Posted on 06/13/2013 at 02:27 AM | Filed Under Blogs

The vid would have came out better had i used the tap to focus feature on the phone better. I'm still in the learning curve phase with it, but so far I'm happy with it.

Microsoft has a solution for you if you don't have Internet.

Posted on 06/12/2013 at 02:42 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Is anyone really surprised?  Don Mattrick essentially is towing the Microsoft #Dealwithit line. This viewpoint that Mattrick is espousing is highly troublesome in that it exposes the future that is to come between the electronically connected haves and and have nots,  not just in the gaming world but in society at large.  What Mattrick is ponticficating is marginalization against rural gamers, poor gamers, gamers in inner cities whoose electrical infrastructure is insufficient through no fault of their own (thus making them more prone to have the misfortune of blackouts and brownouts), cousins, brothers and sisters who would lend each other games to offset the obscene pricing of new games,  geographically displaced gamers many of whom are US soldiers in foriegn lands who are in desperate need of an escape from the life and death realities they face in service of our country. This is arrogance.  This is greed. This is gluttony. This is evil. This is Microsoft believing that every one lives in a Redmond, Washington middle to upper class bubble, and to hell with all you peasants who can't afford an internet connection or the $59.99 USD new game price tag. It's disgusting. My choice is already made for the next Gen -- PS4 all the way. 

Steel Reserve 211 High Gravity Lager Review

Posted on 06/12/2013 at 12:05 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Always put the Steel Reserve n the freezer for a good 20 mins before consuming =) Good point lee the 211 is best drank ice cold.

Gamers are Sexist, Arrogant Pigs.

Posted on 06/11/2013 at 08:53 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I don't take all of what Anita presents in her series as fact (although I believe she makes many valid points), but rather as a compelling argument  that stimulates spirited discussion such as the one we are having here. Anita is a social scientist (e.g. a soft science such as antropology or psychology )whereupon her methods of "proving" something rely more on qualitative analysis or conjecture rather than adherence to the scientific method of hard science.  In the social sciences nothing is definitive nor absolute and there will always be grey areas from which one can cherry-pick "facts" or mere speculation to bolster their argument.  

It saddens me that Anita has disabled the comments on her videos, which is an action she claims she took due to the magnitude of online harassment harbored against her. I agree that a Q & A session with Ms. Sarkeesian that adressed the sentiments of her videos or that maybe involved a panel of game developers would be fun to see.


Steel Reserve 211 High Gravity Lager Review

Posted on 06/11/2013 at 08:30 PM | Filed Under Blogs

While Steel Reserve will never get awards for great taste it sure does get an A for the get you intoxicated quick factor. Cheers mate glad you liked the review!!

Steel Reserve 211 High Gravity Lager Review

Posted on 06/11/2013 at 08:28 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Needless to say it is an acquired taste and depending on your drinking goals for the night your wallet will thank you.

Gamers are Sexist, Arrogant Pigs.

Posted on 06/11/2013 at 08:23 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Of course there are women who don't like Anita and never was I trying to say all women feel the way she does about this subject. However,  I always think it's good to hear different arguments especiallly feminist ones concerning the subject of how women are oftentimes portrayed in games and in other forms of entertainment in a negative and sometimes sexist light. Granted as you say they have a choice not to play the games, but I for one wouldn't mind hearing more female voices on Xboxlive  or in my multiplayer games. Too often I've been in the chat room in FPS rooms and so many sexist goons take pots at females in order to exibit their juvenile and distorted "manhood" But hell playing online is an exercise in futiliy if you expect not to encounter  loudmouth idiots. 

Gamers are Sexist, Arrogant Pigs.

Posted on 06/11/2013 at 07:36 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I think Anita Sarkeesian makes very valid points in her Feminist Frequency video series on Tropes in video games and in the mainstream  movie/entertainment industry. What I find shocking is the very hostile response she has recieved from a very vocal, extremist, presumably male faction of the gaming community for simply presenting a feminist perspective on gaming and the sexist problems residing in the industry.  Let's face it if the video gaming medium ever expects to grow it needs to be more inclusive and sensitive to diffrent perspectives and paradigms including a feminist one.  I mean really, how many save the princess or damsel in distress story lines can an adult gamer, such as myself, take.  Critical thinking exercises such as the Bechdal test, bring great fuel to the feminist argument that video games are incredibly sexist. We as gamers need to shout down the voices of the internet pitch fork mafia whoose knee jerk and in some cases violent responses toward Anita have cast a dark shadow upon the perception of who male gamers really are. 

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