We're aiming to please with this one, and with all of the new tricks up our sleeves, we're hoping this will really be our Breakout (see what I did there? Like Arkanoid! HUZZAH!) season!
We're aiming to please with this one, and with all of the new tricks up our sleeves, we're hoping this will really be our Breakout (see what I did there? Like Arkanoid! HUZZAH!) season!
I know time is a precious thing, but whenever you get 12 hours of free time, you can watch the entirety of the first 2 seasons :P
If you like the obscure stuff, check out (if you haven't already) our Rushing Beat: Shura video - awesome beat-em-up, it's the Japanese version of The Peacekeepers, and the superior version in all aspects.
We use a capture card and record our gameplay footage off of the original console - sprite flicker and all! We record our voiceover with a free-standing condenser mic using Audacity. Once we're done, we export the mp3 of the voiceover, line it up with the gameplay footage in a video editing program, add the intro, then render it and it's good to go!
Haha I tried to get Joey to do it for season 1 but he was like "FUCK THAT." We'll definitely get it in for Season 3 though :) Though he did play one of the most obnoxious games EVER for Episode 30, but you'll have to wait and see :P
Metal is great, and everyone knows Nobuo is a fan of metal, but the intro to X was just derpy. I'm not a fan of FFX or X-2, though this re-release might make me give it another chance. I'm totally that "Man, Final Fantasy X sux! Tidus is lame! Waah!" guy haha.
Good to see you came out of the shadows instead of just creeping around us 1uppers :P Great to hear you're a SNES era RPG fan! Those are probably 90% of my lifesblood, so that's already some bonus points coming in your direction! Welcome to PIxlBit, keep all arms and hands inside the ride until it comes to a complete stop, and enjoy your stay!
Agreed - Sega must just be green with envy that they couldn't create something as badass and amazing as SoRR.
I loved the Mutant League games - they were the only sports games at the time that changed the formula and made it a fun video game experience, the trick plays were great!
Excellent work with these updates - you're doing a killer job with the site, and I can only imagine that it's going to keep getting better!