I still can't figure out how to change my theme since they updated this thing. It also hides a lot of the stuff I used to use a lot. It's a great idea, but I wish they would let you customize it a little.
I still can't figure out how to change my theme since they updated this thing. It also hides a lot of the stuff I used to use a lot. It's a great idea, but I wish they would let you customize it a little.
I had a white DSlite originally, and I can tell you that it's a really bad idea to choose that color for a portable device. It starts looking pretty dingy really fast.
Also, this is stupid. My phone can emulate that crap without breaking a sweat.
Having just purchased a 3ds, I can confirm that the battery life does indeed suck very hard.
Actually Nick, I had The Last Story on my radar since I heard about it, and I would hardly consider myself a Wii fan. I have maybe 5 games for that platform total. I am, however, a classic FF fan who loved Lost Odyssey.
Xenoblade, on the other hand, I was not interested in at all until I got information overload from Rainfall. I haven't had much of a positive experience with any game that had Xeno in the title. This one looks like it will change that.
That video made my skin crawl. Freaking awesome.
Tales of Vesperia on 360, Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D on my 3DS. I plan on finishing up Dark Souls after I'm done with Vesperia.
I plan on playing either Arkham City or Deus Ex when I'm done with Vesperia, and Nostalgia when my 3DS is clear of Zelda, unless Tales of the Abyss comes out before I finish. Then again, I don't know if I want to play two Tales games back to back...
... All the more reason why this is balls.
This has to be a mistake. Isn't this going to be required hardware for some games? How can they only allow one retailer to carry it?
Side note: I don't want one regardless of who stocks it. I like being able to keep my portable system... you know... portable.
*Edit* Crap Jesse, I never thought about that. And I just bought the Zelda bundle when my old DS Lite gave up the ghost last week.
The bass line in that Baten Kaitos piece you selected is sick! That game has been on my wish list for a while now. Knowing the music is good just makes me want it that much more.
One of the biggest 'holy crap' moments was the first time I heard the Zelda theme on the SNES in it's 16 bit, fully orchestrated glory. Having grown up playing the 8 bit original, hearing it again with all that amazing instrumentation impressed the hell out of me.
Another amazing moment that was very similar was when I played the Final Fantasy Origins version of the original Final Fantasy. That was another game I lived on as a kid. The first time I heard the enhanced version of the overworld theme I just stood there with my jaw hanging open. It was just that good.
Ok, I just started typing another paragraph and had to stop or I'll be here all day. Music in games is a very VERY big deal to me. I've got way too much to say about it.
The art assets almost look like they were developed for the DS, but I know there's no way the DS could have handled that many polygons in the background. I wonder if they switched platforms after they started development.