Posted on 06/06/2016 at 07:03 PM
| Filed Under Blogs
Hard Redux is fun, but some of the upgrades are useless. There';s barely any visual difference, the sword is pretty much useless (they give it to you then swarm with kamikazi bots). It's fun, but Hard Reset was never my favourite of these kinds of games. I prefer Painkiller, Serious Sam, or the new Shadow Warrior. Pro tip with this game though, get the shotgun first, makes the game much more fun.
Haven't watched Outcast yet, will have to soon though. Have you watched Preacher yet? God that's good. I actually like the shows version of Tulip more than the comic's (I know, blasphemy) and this version of Cass is fucking awesome. It's quirky, whimsical, gory and insane.
Haven't gotten around to DC rebirth. The Preacher show has gotten me on somewhat of a Vertigo kick, so I've been reading Sandman, Swamp Thing, and, well, Preacher.