I'm pretty interested in this but may just wait for it to drop in price. With all the vita titles available on PS+ at the moment, i've plenty to keep me entertained. Good review!
I'm pretty interested in this but may just wait for it to drop in price. With all the vita titles available on PS+ at the moment, i've plenty to keep me entertained. Good review!
There is a lengthy recap for the previous games in the series to catch you up. If you can grab any on the cheap it's worth a shot.
I agree the fetch quests and some of the side missions get pretty dull. I really dig the athmosphere the game delivers though and think it's worth the tedium to get to the excitement
Main draw for me is the story and the setting but I wouldn't necessarily say they set it apart. The combat, while good, is not the main reason to play in my opinion. I read that a lot of effort is put into creating a realistic Kamaroucho (spelling??) where the game is set and it achieves this somewhat
You can get that really cheap now actually. Maybe some day for me too
I've played 3 & 4. Definitely worth a look
100% agree. The developers were certainly ambitious but it does drag at times
It's definitely worth a visit
Yeah that may be a problem. I think Uncharted 3 alone is something like 30gb
I'm playing on the PS3. It's a pretty rough install and set up but graphically I think it looks great