25 years and I have yet to play a mega man game, or a mario or even a Zelda....man am I behind the times! nice blog!
25 years and I have yet to play a mega man game, or a mario or even a Zelda....man am I behind the times! nice blog!
Happy birthday! Cool stuff, and daughters are just the sweetest thing ever!
yeah, I like those Looney Tune mugs too.
Lee: good that you could repair it yourself and save some money, I can't hammer a nail striaght! I never realized just how dangerous and scarey a hail storm could be....I hope I never have to go through that again.
Tami: Thanks, I guess I was never in any danger, I was worried about my home getting destroyed, and the noise just scared me silly. I used to love living in the south, but as I get older, Im getting tired of it.
Andrew: yeah, they're pretty scared up.....I would like to visit East Germany
Cool: yeah if my daughter would hurry up and produce me a few Grandkids! hahahah
Homeless: Yeah, I live East of meadville. The storm came from that way...I've been to meadville a hundred times...hahahah, small world.
Sneen: I think tornados scare me most but the freakin' sound of that Hail storm was unreal! Thanks,
2013: Tomb Raider seems to be the game to get so far.