I dont know why I said n64 but anyway what game are u getting next, they really did a awesome job on this I wonder if the FFX HD is as good.
I dont know why I said n64 but anyway what game are u getting next, they really did a awesome job on this I wonder if the FFX HD is as good.
You are correct my bad lol!!! The game looks and plays awesome you will love it, and is Tales from Grace worth the $40 price tag cause im thinking of getting it if its worth it.
Well thats on Neptunia, Tales is awesome.
About time snee I havent been on much cause of my bad hip work and my ps3 lol!! One things for sure im sold on what system to get next year a ps4 oh and im in the process of buying a new home on 5 acres of land me and my wifes dream coming true. And the only thing about psn plus I dont like is its been down for over a week.
Good to see a fellow drummer on here I have been playing for 40 years and loving every moment of it.
A great puzzle game is Infecct and its on ipone or android for free and once you play it I promise you wont stop.
I got a year of psn+ and got it for free along with Bioshock infinite and Metro etc so I would get psn+ not to mention all the free vita games.
I totally agree with your reveiw I got bored an hour after the graphics factor wore off they need alot of work if there going to keep Forza series alive.
The fact you can only keep the games if your psn plus isn't great at least with the 360 the two games you get a month are yours no natter what so I tend to agree.