Sometimes you just have to refresh the page, and it will suddenly appear. I had that happen to me with a reply of mine with the "I Ran" video.
Sometimes you just have to refresh the page, and it will suddenly appear. I had that happen to me with a reply of mine with the "I Ran" video.
LM 2 has been selling well (1.22 Million Worldwide), and I don't know how it will fair like the other Nintendo games that keep on selling. I'm just surprised these titles that are geared toward a niche audience are actually selling that much. Even Fire Emblem.
Julian has never been to a convention... did I hear that right?
Kid Icarus sold 1.18 million copies worldwide. For such a game, is that bad? I don't think so.
Julian must hate me then... HAHAHAHAHA!
I've got that fight stick (shown above) for the PS3, the Tatsunoko one for the Wii, and I hardly play any fighting games. It's a shame Capcom hasn't released a fighting game for the Wii U, and I'm not particularly interested in the Mortal Kombat franchise... hm maybe I should pick up the Tekken game when it's cheaper. I've always wanted to try out the Tekken series.
I didn't think MM9 was that hard either. A bit challenging, sure. Nothing that a little patience, and pratice won't solve. Says the guys that didn't beat it because he got distracted by another game lol.
Does anybody here read Japanese? No? So as far as we know it's possible we're being trolled.
When Uran, Iran. We all ran.
Oh no worries, I just meant that to keep it civil and responsible.
I should probably ask Nick for an age gate option on blogs LOL.
Post away, BrokenH. If it helps you if even just a nanobit of relief from whatever's troubling you, and no innocent bystanders are harmed. Do it.