I have an action figure of Fortune. Can never get her to hold the railgun just right. I think it's because I'm treating it like a normal gun. But it is anything but!
I have an action figure of Fortune. Can never get her to hold the railgun just right. I think it's because I'm treating it like a normal gun. But it is anything but!
I think Lara Croft needs one on that stupid island! She would make mincemeat out of the bastards.
My son told me that they are so deadly accurate due to the speed and no need for an arc. Just fires straight across the horizon to the target.
There is one in Quake 3? Will definitely have to play that just for the railgun.
Great finds! I can understand your frustration over Fatal Frame 2. I call shenanigans on that one. My Gamestop is a "shenanigan proof" place of joy most of the time. They do not tolerate fools for too long on their staff. Beyond Good And Evil is such a fantastic game. One I will always keep around and NEVER trade. The dot.Hack games are pretty awesome as well. I'd like to see the anime on those.
I think a lot of folks will change their tune after the big announcement. Microsoft is probably scrambling and doing some reassessment on what the focus of their presentation will be. You are so right about the two consoles. I love both the PS3 and 360 equally. They each have their own strengths. I don't place limits on myself in order to seem smarter or more hip than other gamers. Some people feel the need to do that sorta thing intensely. Fanboyism is always rampant at console launch time.
Sounds like the most epic bundle of all time! Who could possibly resist that?
I have Bulletstorm and have played it a lot. One of the most clever and fun shooters to come along in years. Don't know why more people didn't buy it. Their loss I say!
I don't know much about Darkstalkers so I found all of this quite interesting. It's one of those game series that I was always curious about. That is an amazing job of cosplay Linda Li did. She must take a long time putting all the elements together just right.
Sorry about the loss of one of your family members. That has to be tough on all of you. Cool of your Mom to get you a game while dealing with it. That is a really good one,too. I will probably get that on Virtual Console as it is such a classic. I seem to excel at the Kirby games,and that is probably my favorite.