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Cary Woodham's Comments - Page 760


Posted on 05/26/2014 at 04:57 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I tried one of those pen and paper RPGs once.  Only thing evil about them is that they were kind of boring.  I prefer my RPGs on consoles.  I'm playing an RPG for a review right now. It's called Child of Light and it's very good so far.  Certainly not evil either.

Cary Ranks All the Current Mario Kart Games

Posted on 05/25/2014 at 10:01 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Yeah I didn't think the Wii version was all that bad.  I wonder why many don't like it.

I Have No Problem With The Xone and The PS4 Being Similar Products Now

Posted on 05/25/2014 at 09:10 AM | Filed Under Blogs

As soon as they have some games that appeal to me, then I'll be interested in a PS4 and/or Xbox One.

What a horrible night to have a curse.......

Posted on 05/25/2014 at 09:09 AM | Filed Under Blogs

The orignal F-Zero was neat, but I only felt like I needed to rent it once.  As a first-gen SNES title, it was a bit limited.  However, other F-Zero games on the N64 and GameCube I liked much better.

Cary Ranks All the Current Mario Kart Games

Posted on 05/25/2014 at 09:08 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Yeah, the overdose of item usage is what stopped me from completing modern Mario Kart games to 100 percent.  They're still fun, though.

Cary Ranks All the Current Mario Kart Games

Posted on 05/25/2014 at 09:06 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Wow you want a lot of games.  Gotta narrow it down to the ones I tell you to get. :)

A Little Game Called CalDun and CalDun x2 the Prequel to Legasista

Posted on 05/25/2014 at 09:04 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Yes they are all at  If I weren't so lazy, I'd give you links.  But if you do a search with my first and last name, and then the game title, you can usually find my reviews.

A Little Game Called CalDun and CalDun x2 the Prequel to Legasista

Posted on 05/24/2014 at 04:51 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I reviewed all three of those games.  They're OK.  Not bad, but not great either.

Retro Game of the Week: Faxanadu

Posted on 05/24/2014 at 04:49 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Oh I can tell you what Faxanadu means.  You see, Faxanadu was actually made by Falcom.  Falcom is a Japanese game company that has been around for a long time.  They've made games that you've heard of, like Ys, and maybe some games you haven't heard of, like Popful Mail and Gurumin.  In Japan, one of their older game series was called Xanadu.  Like most of Falcom's titles, Xanadu started out on computers.  But when they made a Xanadu game for the NES, or Japanese Famicom, they called it Faxanadu.  Famicom Xanadu.  Fa-Xanadu.  There, so now you know.

Strangely enough, I never did play Faxanadu.

I did, however, play one of Falcom's other games that got ported to the NES.  It was called Legacy of the Wizard and I loved that game as a kid for some reason.  Legacy of the Wizard was actually part of a long-running Falcom game series called Dragon Slayer (I think it was the fourth one), and in Japan it was published by Namco.  Best of all, the music was done by Yuzo Koshiro!  --Cary

Sh*tty Game Review #1- What Have I Gotten Myself Into!?

Posted on 05/24/2014 at 04:42 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I like to review games, too.  I wouldn't mind taking a stab at this one, even if it is bad.

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