@speedrun: Tool assisted? Bah, that's so lame.
It's their only great game because Nintendo had their hands on it too. Otherwise? Trainwreck. Although Too Human is alright.
Circle of the Moon is my favorite Castlevania game for the GBA. Period. Flaming whip for the effing win!
The controls aren't clunky. Go back and play a Castlevania on NES, or SNES. I think you will see they are very similar.
I have never had this happen to me. Then again I talk about my hobbies quite openly, so everyone around me is already used to it. I'm also young *cough*... I look younger than I am, so people don't judge me so ignorantly? Yup, that too.
I don't even remember my parents ever giving me a "sit down" in regards to my hobbies. Then again my older brother was into similar stuff as me, so I was kind of under his wing, and they trusted the older brother. Not that i don't have anything to not be trusted with MWUAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA!
I played the first Borderlands all the way through by myself. Even the DLC. Twice... I think LOL.
If the new AC game does indeed come out in October I think I will be buying/playing games that I would rather spend "my little budget that could" on.
If this game's gameplay involves over 90% of sailing (sea battles and whatnot) I might just get it at full price. That was the only part of AC3 that actually piqued my interest. Well the hunting, and tree skipping looked cool too, but yeah. Funny enough I'm phobic of deep water, so if I'm on a boat (even at the beach) I effin hate it being there. Like I just imagine some huge sea creature tipping the boat over... oh, good lord, just thinking of it now F***********************************K!
A series of games that kept me glued to my PSP: Locoroco. Damn do I love those little buggers.
Mmmmm Killer 7. Good times.