In the end, this game sounds like it should be awesome. I like that they are bringing back some old-school FPS sensibilities.
In the end, this game sounds like it should be awesome. I like that they are bringing back some old-school FPS sensibilities.
I haven't actually been part of a beta. I do look forward to the Hyper Light Drifter beta that I should be part of whenever that happens.
You had me at Metroid...
I have it on the Wii, but there is something about having a proper controller and not having to shake the wii-mote for every single thing.
I think that I will end up going with DKCR3D. Only because it is the most expensive item on the list and the other games I would have no problem dropping the $5 on if I really wanted them.
My one brother got all but one of the green stars a while back. There was one level that was brutal and he nearly threw the wii-mote into the television... multiple times.
I meant to say thank you. I probably wouldn't have started this game again if it hadnt been for that OCRemix that you posted the other week.
At the very least I would like more stars hidden through the normal courses. I cannot remember if Galaxy 2 fixed any of these desires. Maybe they did with the green stars.
I just finished up my first playthrough the other day. I enjoyed the game. The campaign seemed short, but that it what I love about the game. I probably spent somewhere around 15 hours with it and got 100%.
I will have to come back to it to platinum the game later.
So, why haven't they made one like that recently. It has been nearly 20 years.
It would definitely sell me a Wii U, not that there aren't plenty of games that I want to play for it already.
I did like the original inFamous, or at least what I played of it. I actually wouldn't mind going back to play through them for the story.