Man, we are so full of shit.
Man, we are so full of shit.
As a huge fan of all things featuring giant fucking monsters, Pacific Rim stands as one of my most anticipated movie going experiences in quite some time. I am quite excited.
Groups is something I've been jockying around with Nick a bit, so don't be surprised if that's something that eventually rolls out.
We certainly wouldn't take the ability to post your blogs - that's one of the greatest things about our community! We'll actually be finding better ways to highlight these blogs as part of this Community Center.
Challenge accepted!
I think the the timing is right for this one too, with a new Eeveelution coming out this fall for Pokemon X/Y.
Seriously - he's a MUCH better character than Pac-Man from the Namco side. I figure they have to include at least one Namco character.
I was thinking about this - Little Mac would be the better character, but you could do a Punch Out based stage with referee Mario in the background.
With all the positive buzz coming off of Lightning's Return, I may give that game a shot. I haven't played a game in the FF series since X, but mostly because the aesthetic hasn't been my cup of tea.
Nice reply, Michael. I agree that it is kind of funny that a lot of people are going about face, but this doesn't address my biggest issue with the Xbox One. Personally, I could handle the online requirement and other restrictions so long as I got some cool features out of it (keep an eye out for an incoming editorial on that subject), but that price point is just too high for me to be really interested in it, especially since Sony puts out more 1st party titles that I care about (Sly Cooper, inFAMOUS, Uncharted, Twisted Metal, God of War, etc...).