Posted on 06/21/2014 at 04:17 AM
| Filed Under Blogs
I know what you mean. Usually whenever I go and I don't see someone I know who works there, I try not to find a game where I can be picky with (when it comes to if the disc is in good condition or if the game comes with the actual case with box art and manual) and just buy a game I want to try out.
I went today to see if I can get the CE of Shin Megami Tensei IV because I asked an employee who kind of knows me to put it on hold, but there was an employee whom I didn't know and is always annoying whenever I go to that store ringing up customers and just kept talking about promotions, sales, membership etc. I know it's mandatory to tell customers that, but if the employee sees you regularly they're always cool with you and know you just want to walk in, get your game and walk out. It sucks because the line was already long to begin with and he just kept taking his damn time. So I just had to leave. Hopefully the CE of SMTIV will still be there tomorrow. Can't walk away from getting that edition for $20!