Cool, glad you're liking that. I figured it would be a little cleaner, I know I prefer it this way as well.
Glad you're liking the changes! Family is doing well, thanks. Now if my youngest would just sleep through the night, we'd be perfect!
Nice blog. My entrance into collecting was born of a similar nature - started as just a means of playing stuff I wanted as a kid and blossomed into a quest to track down gaming's most worthy historical gems.
I haven't had the time or resources to grab up super old games as of late, but I am eagerly awaiting the opportunity to jump back in. Of course, lot deals on eBay aren't what they used to be either, so it's been tougher to stumble on the right auction and wind up with a stack of gems.
As far as Sonic on the Master System goes, it is a great port and one that I hope to eventually add to my collection. I always found it interesting that the Game Gear was basically a portable Master System, so a lot of the titles on one translated well to the other. Never knew that as a kid, but then again, I never even knew of the Master System as a kid!
In college I had some really bad insomnia and was up almost all night every night. Since then I go through random bouts of it, but typically speaking, I can get a night of sleep. I don't sleep too much, maybe 4 or 5 hours a night, but that's not too bad. It works out having kids because it's not too terrible for me to get up in the middle of the night with my younger son when he needs to eat.
More importantly, your ice cream choice definitely reigns supreme. Mint, of any variety, in a sugar cone is made of much win.
Oh man, that would be double awesome.
Bummer that you have to sell that stuff, you have a fantastic selection of games listed for sale on your Amazon page.
Hmm, that's a weird error that I have not seen before. Do you have any sort of NoScript-like plug-in running? If you change your text and hit save, it should show the new text flashing. Also, the double space thing in there is a known issue, but it's not representative of the actual text. If you refresh the page, you'll see that the spacing is normal. No idea why it does that and my numerous attempts at fixing it have been unsuccessful.