Lee: sure... www.photobucket.com I used it for this photo in m y blog
Lee: sure... www.photobucket.com I used it for this photo in m y blog
Homeless: yeah, but it only took me 5 hours so it doesnt take me long to play through the first ones. plus I know them inside and out....or at least I think i do...ahhhahaha. I also plan on getting the Vita collection too, so when i one day get a vita.
Casey. Exactly! I found something this playthrough that i had never expierenced. It's wonderful when a game is like that. The replay value is endless. Mass Effect is one reason why i wont be jumping on the PS4 bandwagon, I have yet to play that series plus other games for the PS3
Wayde: The bundle you're thinking of is the MGS Essentials Collection for the PS2, and yes, the MGS1 is 2 disc, but what it doesnt say on the box is that you have to have a PS1 memory card to save the game.
Yargz: yeah, I guess it's an emulation tech thingy...I kinda wish it would just play as one disc.
Chris: Interesting about the codec number, I guess you would have to googel it?
Randy: I have RE2 digital, so I'll look for that. And i forgot, the 360 doesnt use blu-ray
220 gallons! wow...that is sweet tooth heaven!
Viewtiful: yeah, High Tech virtual discs..... I agree, Hideo needs to go retro!