Been watching coverage about it the past hour. I can't believe someone would do such a thing. Boston is a strong town with some tough people in it. My prayers go out to the ones who were hurt in the blasts and their friends and family members.
Been watching coverage about it the past hour. I can't believe someone would do such a thing. Boston is a strong town with some tough people in it. My prayers go out to the ones who were hurt in the blasts and their friends and family members.
Very cool statue. I like the kind with lots of color and detail on the character. I have one of Spawn that is like that in that it has chains and tons of detail around his torso and gun.
Capcom makes some odd decisions. Mega Man is one of their key franchises and you think they would want to take a chance on giving him an FPS. Would have been a great one I think. Given the proper money and effort,that is.
I need to go back and get all the Ratchet And Clank games for my PS2. My son had them all and then he traded them. He tends to not be real sentimental about games the way I am. But when R&C went to the PS3 I was hooked on those. Brought the action and vivid imagery to a new level. Not ones to be missed. As far as Fuse goes,I wish they had gone with the original concept. I'll still get it,but it looked so cool and unique before they made the changes. Guess that scares some companies. They like to stick to a proven formula to minimize the risk.
For 360 it definitely has to be Bioshock Infinite. For the PS3 that is a tougher question. Most of the games I've bought for it lately are those HD collections which really don't count. But I'm going to say Crysis 3. Although I don't own it yet,I have played it for hours at a friends house last week. Very impressive running on the PS3. Skyrim would have been a great pick on any console. The digital copy you gave me is spectacular on my 360.
Great songs you picked. I'd heard the Metallica and Disturbed songs,but not Bad Religion. That one was very moving,I thought. One you would not expect by them. I remember all the hubbub when Metallica did that song originally. I respected them for trying new things. And James Hetfield for showing the world he can feel and sing! Man does not live by thrash alone. I like when bands do that. Congrats on success with the N64. Glad it is firing on all cylinders now. The Place Beyond The Pines is one I really want to see. Huge fan of Ryan Gosling,though my wife can't stand him. May have to see it alone. I could not get her to watch Drive with me. I like the idea that his character is a motorcycle stuntman who robs banks. Sounds cool to me. My vacation is underway! I will begin drinking at noon,just to be respectable,you know?
Online seems to be the way to go on this book. I just had to get it when I saw it. Great choice of a gift for your wife,btw. A truly collectible book I will keep always.
Thank God for Barnes & Noble. Last retail bookstore we have in Tulsa. Used to love going to Borders. That place rocked.
I remember the disaster that was Lair. It had such promise. Don't know why they could not resist the Sixaxis control scheme.
Incredible music! That is so good. Combining it like that just makes it more spectacular. Brought it into a whole new light by doing that. Great work!