Yes, no matter how old you are, fart jokes are still funny and relevant. That's how I now God has a sense of humor. He made us to release gasses with funny sounds.
Yes, no matter how old you are, fart jokes are still funny and relevant. That's how I now God has a sense of humor. He made us to release gasses with funny sounds.
Thanks for reading my reviews!
It's amazing how far we've come with technology since the first E3's I've been to. Back in the first years of E3, the press room was filled with paper folders packed with press releases you could collect and take home. Now the press room is empty space where you can connect your computer to Wi-Fi, download press releases off the Internet, and write your articles right there! And even non-attenders can check out all the videos and previews right from their homes.
But E3 is more than just covering games. It's about meeting new contacts and strengthening relationships with PR professionals and game developers, making it easier later on to review upcoming games. Plus, nothing can replace actually playing the games in person while talking face to face with the people who make and promote them. In this age when we depend on the Internet, we take for granted the importance of personal interactions. Plus, E3 is a heck of a lot of fun!
Thanks, Tami! I'm too stubborn and bull-headed to give up yet.
Yeah I knew that. Have you ever played Dragon's Crown? It's VanillaWare's most recent game.
Not one of my favorite Zeldas, but not bottom of the barrel either. I didn't like the brown, muddy graphics. Princess Zelda was really cool in this game, though.
My favorite Zelda game is Link's Awakening. Have you ever played that one?
I have one of the Sonic & Mario Olympic video games and it was awful, so i haven't tried any of the others.
Wow you read lots of stuff, even Oxygen magazine! Just joking. Pretty lady on the cover, though.
It's B.