Legends is better.
Legends is better.
Didn't care for Dear Esther. Thought The Stanley Parable beat everything else in that genre in every way.
I want to get Ethan Carter once I get a job and can afford to buy games again. I have my top 5 down, only feel like Dark Souls 2 or DKC Tropical Freeze could dethrone any of them.
That's definitely true for a good part of the game's beginning, but once you get Skyhold as your base of operations the story and character interactions take a huge step up.
I have a rogue archer so I'm mostly hanging back with my mage while my two melee attackers go at it. If the magic's low, stealth has been really useful to revive them though. Used it more here than my rogues in Origins and 2 combined.
I've had a couple instances, mostly when I needed a mage to revive someone. But combat seems mostly about letting everyone do their own thing since there's no true healing spells and mages to a good job with the barriers.
Tactical mode definitely feels that way, it's something that only works with an analog stick, not so much with a mouse. The point and click interface for the entire game going away I can understand since there's more verticality to maps, so it may not work, but tactical mode feels like they dropped the ball for the PC version.
Loving Dragon Age also, it's shaping up to be my favorite in the series and my GOTY. Start was slow and I ran into a few bugs, but everything else has been great.
I'm enjoying Smash Bros a lot too, but Dragon Age Inquisition is taking the bulk of my gaming time. Hoiping once all my friends are done with their semester this week we go back to Smash nights, 8 player Smash is one of the greatest things I have ever seen. Congrats on the Fallout 3 plat. Love that game to death, but don't have the patience for it. And I literally did everything in it.
I'm Commander Casey Shepard and this is my favorite comment on the whole Citadel