I get a lot of ideas for blogs from all the gaming and tech podcasts I listen to. Tough when you work so much to come up with ideas. That's what works for me,though.
I get a lot of ideas for blogs from all the gaming and tech podcasts I listen to. Tough when you work so much to come up with ideas. That's what works for me,though.
Thanks so much for posting those. Very thoughtful of you. Just hope it's not too late to use them.
Nier is one I'll be looking for next week in Indiana. Been saving my money for the trip...and to game shop! Always fun to try new stores in an unfamiliar city.
Holy crap! I must have it! An Atlus game on 3DS is too good to miss out on. This is the first I'd heard of it. Thanks for the info. Glad you have secured employment and I hope it leads to something more long term. Hopefully a job you like doing.
What an interesting group of songs you put together. First thing that came to mind while I was listening to the Johnson Girls sing was Harry Belafonte. The song he was famous for. The one about picking bananas and daylight coming. Definitely a work song,so I guess that is why I thought of that one. I loved the maritime folk songs. They brought back a good memory for me. When I was in the Navy we had a chief on our ship who could really sing. He knew some of those songs and would sing them for us up on the signal bridge at night sometimes. Made being at sea a bit less lonely. Your friend,Tom Hall,reminded me of him a bit. I admire people who can fill a room with music using just their voice. They make it look so easy,but it isn't at all. As for myself,I did a lot of cadence calling while marching about in boot camp and OS A school. We would make up songs to march to and take turns leading the march. The prison songs were kind of like that! Felt that way at times. Least it was only for 8 weeks. I loved the waulking music a lot. Thanks so much for adding that.
You picked up some really good games. Especially Alice:Madness Returns. I'll be looking for that one next week in Indiana. Great used game store near my brother's house that I always hit. That Hyperdimension Neptunia has me very curious. I saw it a few weeks ago and thought it was on of the most unique games for PS3 that I've seen. My hat is off to you upon completing Fallout 3. I have the GOTY edition for 360 and have not even made it half way through yet.
I tend to grab obscure titles for my newer systems when I find them. Theory is I will discover a hidden gem. But often I end up with a hand full of magic beans!
It does look rather English to me. I enjoyed the Irish setting they used in the game.
I'm an incredibly lazy gamer. I don't like having to shake things about to do stuff onscreen. But I don't mind so much in this game for some odd reason.
Hey,don't feel bad. I owned it for quite some time before I started it. Glad I did finally.