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GeminiMan78's Comments - Page 84

E3 2013: Day 1 - Lets Discuss Games...

Posted on 06/11/2013 at 09:36 AM | Filed Under Blogs

For a long time my phylosophy has been to go where the games are. But in the case of the Xbone this is all about principle. I don't care what games they have, there is no way I would support it. For the record the reocurring issue of their 360's being junk that craps out after less than a year, charging to play games online, and using a currency system that devalues your money has been more than enough to keep me away. The Xbone is just the icing on the cake. I'm in no hurry to upgrade at this point but when I do it will be a PS4.

This Video....Is Heartless

Posted on 06/11/2013 at 01:14 AM | Filed Under Blogs

"A brand new Call of Duty". Isn't that an oxymoron at this point. And last time I checked I can watch TV with my uhm...TV. Even without the hilarious edit job its pretty obvious these knuckleheads don't have a flaming clue as to what just exactly they are trying to sell. Hell that one woman thinks its flippin water cooler. And with how Sony just served them it might as well be a water cooler.

You Knew This Was Coming From Me

Posted on 06/11/2013 at 12:59 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Unlike Microsoft it seems Sony was paying attention to the gaming public. Microsofts arrogance is about to cost them a whole lotta money. I'm sure there are going to be a handfull of hardcore Halo fanboys who will bite. But I think we are about to enter another two system era.

Hi,political correctness! Er,I still hate you!

Posted on 06/10/2013 at 09:13 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Yeah I don't miss that one. I remember the consecutive weekly stories on 1up on mysogony and such. His veiws or I should say opinions were extreme and it seemed to me like he was just doing it all to get in someones pants. The irony and hypocracy was just rediculous. The way I look at it if he is going to attack the way women are used in games then how about the objectification of pretty boys like Beiber and One Direction to sell crappy pop music. Those girls are not buying their albums for the music, they are buying a pretty face for a sexual fantasy. Its human nature and marketers and advertisers have been exploiting it for years. Its all or nothing or nothing at all. More to the point its about balence. I can't stand extremists and Bob Macky is an extremist or at the very least pretending to be for the sake of hype.

Xbone sends me this email lol!!!!

Posted on 06/10/2013 at 08:47 PM | Filed Under Blogs

So whats the achievement title called, "Biggest Sucker Born" ? Pretty much anything I have read for days now that allows comments has been a solid wall of screw Microsoft and the Big Brother Box. I think this thing is going to fail so bad it will make the Sega CD look like a shining success.

Microsoft's Xbox One (Nine Eight Four)

Posted on 06/10/2013 at 09:16 AM | Filed Under Feature

So just a few months ago there was an outbreak of peoples computers being hacked, in particular the hackers were turning on the camera hoping to get a peek of who knows what. And I have seen enough videos on youtube to know that apparently its not that hard to hack a game console. I don't like the patriot act and I don't buy the excuse that its a neccesary evil. Some people would say "but what about the Boston Bombers?". To which I would say Russia tried to warn us about these guys, we ignored it. All our top notch survelince didn't do a damn bit of good until the deed was done. I can see the use of cameras on our public streets, they have been benefical for catching criminals after they commited a crime, but they have not prevented any. Giving the government the ability to put a camera in my home is down right Owellian and completely unacceptable.

Personaly I don't like Microsoft, I have never owned one of their consoles, and I'm gonna have a good laugh when this "Big Brother Machine" fails like a paper Hindenburg.

Whew, about time

Posted on 06/08/2013 at 03:57 AM | Filed Under Blogs

 I don't really like the time limit thing either unless its a racing game, which I don't play those too often. Thats what kept me from getting more than ten minutes into Majoras Mask. I don't like being rushed. Been so long since I played VP that I had kind of forgotten about that. Probably why I put it on the back burner, lol.

Rumor: Microsoft paying Third-Party publishers from showing PS4 games on stage or floor at E3?

Posted on 06/07/2013 at 09:38 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I heard Bill Gates named the company after his junk.

Unofficial Rage Quit: Microsoft Comes Clean

Posted on 06/07/2013 at 09:24 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Music labels and book publishers don't try to double dip and shake down used music and book stores for a percentage. This has nothing to do with pirating safeware this has everything to do with used games sales. I would say 85% of my PS3 games are used and at least half of my PS2 collection. Not everyone can afford to buy games new, so unless the trade off was a dramatic decrease in the price of new games say like $30 it would not be quite as bad. I really hope Sony does not follow along, they might lose the support of EA and some other publishers, but they could still ravage Microsoft by allying with gamers on this. If Sony sold 10 games for every one microsoft sells, the Xboner would be done.

Whew, about time

Posted on 06/07/2013 at 02:55 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Hey congrats on graduation. Been a long time since mine but I will never forget that feeling like a ten ton weight be lifted, very liberating. Just got Ni No Kuni too, it really is impressive, stopped playing it cause I was waiting on the strat guide I ordered. Bummer about your PS3 but on the bright they got the premium deals that come with a game and have a 500 gig hard drive. Been think about up grading to one myself.

Yeah I have only seen Graveyard of the Fireflies once, I have it on VHS. It is easily one of the saddest most heart breaking movies I have ever seen. Couldn't bring myself to watch it again either.

Still gotta beat the first Valkyrie Profile, and find a copy of VP2. I'm abit of a backlog slacker.

As for FF13-3 Lighting Returns...well if you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all is all I can say on that subject.  

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