Damn it Peter, calm your Pandas until BaD begins!
Damn it Peter, calm your Pandas until BaD begins!
I'm actually considering BaD, but I still don't have a definite desicion. I've got collegue sending me texts to read almost everyday, but I feel like I can make it through this February.
Damn, really been a long time. Welcome back Larry!
Yup, Nsonic told me the news of Brazil being MIA with Nintendo exportations, with him fearing that would happen to the rest of Latin America (which I refute from him as it's not the same as Brazil). Honestly, i'm not surprised that had happened with Brazil as the web series Extra Credits detailed on their Brazilian gaming episode that tax importations have been a constant nuisance for gamers and retails shops alike, with some clerks of the later even encouraging buying pirate games. Still, very sad for Brazil and I hope something gets fixed with the tax.
I've learned about Jem before thanks to That Guy With the Glasses/Channel Awesome and fan art over Deviantart, but from a point of view of someone not raised in the 80s, I found it to be horribly dated....
Belive it or not, my most precious gaming posesion is the physical steel case copy of Metroid Prime Trilogy. One of my favorite buys and i'm lucky to get it since by now the Wii copies have joined the club of rarest games and expesive to to buy over Amazon and Ebay.
Sucks to hear that about Hotline Miami 2 and yet another dissapointment for Australian gamers. I think Yahtzee is unamused by this since he's liked the first game.
On the case of Piracy, I think it's good for Australia in that case just to "stick it to the man" and maybe warn the higher authorities that gamers won't tolerate censorship. I don't fully condone piracy, but if it comes to stuff that isn't posible to acces or censorship, I would most likely support it. Besides, with the now stablished fans of the first game, I think it'll do fine in the rest of the world.
As far as I know, the GTA games since Vice City do have rain and 6th gen Need for Speed also have rain appear at random. I wouldn't say it's common perhaps, but you can't say there isn't.
Ehh, music posts are still better than panda posts.
Sweet, I just put it on my wishlist and I hope to maybe buy it on a good promotion.