Posted on 09/21/2010 at 11:57 AM
| Filed Under Feature
That's what I've been saying all along!
We had originally planned a Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventure PlayBit, but given the turn-out of the NSMBWii event we had right before E3, we really didn't know if we'd see many people show up.
I will say, this PlayBit will be worth attending just for a chance at some of the E3 swag. I'll try to talk to Nick to figure out exactly how we'll do it, but last I was aware of, we had several swag prize packs premade, ready for contests. Chances are, the winner will get first pick at which prize pack he or she wants.
Anyway, if enough of you all show up, we'll have a fun contest. Then, if there's enough genuine interest, perhaps we'll plan another PlayBit (Maybe go back to Four Swords Adventures) for sometime soon. I can only hope!
Edit: *Ahem* Since you did miss it, now would be a good time to draw attention this way.