yeah....that's what I thought too
yeah....that's what I thought too
Wayde:'re right...gotta love that.
TheMart: I agree, I think the games held up real well....As long as Im pleased...the heck with the non-pleasers! hahahah. Enjoy MGS4, Im at 50% with the trophies so far.
Surfcaster: Well, you have almost a whole year to play at least get started..hahaha. Im playing the ones included in the HD collection for the PS3. I'd never even heard of an MSX until I bought MGS3 subsistience.
Aaron: Playing Double D....nothing wrong with playing it everyday, as long as you dont let the game take over your real life and....Aaron? Aaron? he's back playing Double D!
Joe: Well, I was born in the year of the what else can I play? hahahah
I'm playing on easy so the guards are pretty much blind!
Jamie: Thanks, thats what I said to myself too, I need to play these games.
I work at a container board plant...we make cardboard boxes. The kind Snake uses to sneak around in.
Uncharted: I have uncharted 2 and I really enjoyed it. The enemies didnt seem too bad, but I have heard the the first one the enemies would spawn endless....I will play it one day, Im in no hurry.. Get Well Soon!
Tami: Yeah, I was born in the Year of the least I have the loyal trait....loyal to Metal Gear!