I didn't really notice the lense flair until the second film. Whenever somebody had something profound to say... lense flair covered their face.
I didn't really notice the lense flair until the second film. Whenever somebody had something profound to say... lense flair covered their face.
Outside of Sunset Overdrive and the Capybara indies there is very little on the software front to sell me an Xbox One.
I am beginning to question what I think about the newer Star Trek films. There is one good thing that has come from them... I did go back and watch all the classic films and a majority of The Original Series.
I enjoyed Bastion quite a bit... so this is good news for me.
This is one of those good weeks in my eyes. I am looking forward to both Wolfenstein and Transistor.
I heard that there were issues with the coffee crop in Brazil... there may be even less coffee in the world than normal.
I read an article a couple months back about Elevator Action 2 and have wanted to play it ever since.
Such a classic.
I love that piano on Dance of Pales
I did say best, but I will agree with Angelo's dislike of that term. There are plenty of games that are my favourite, but I know are not technically the best games in those series.
As far as Nintendo is concerned. I think that the successor to the Wii U will come out in a couple of years. Right around the midpoint of the PS4/Xbox One generation. It will have comprable specs and come at such a time that people will start looking for a new alternative to their now 4-5 year old system.
I think that I pushed this play date from my memory because I do suck at Mario Kart Wii. I haven't had anywhere near as many issues when I have gone back to play Super and 64.