There may well be but you cannot directly download any of the games to your Vita. Maybe PS3 first and then Vita. Haven't tried that yet.
There may well be but you cannot directly download any of the games to your Vita. Maybe PS3 first and then Vita. Haven't tried that yet.
Yeah but we're not nearly as bad off at the Aussies are. A physical copy of the PS4 version on Amazon.ca is $79.89 CAD which is less than $61 USD. Physical PC version works out to around $53.36 USD or 69.99 CAD.
Great game. Hours of fun. Damn the DC should have lived longer.
I have no idea where the time has gone either. In just over a week we're into June again and before we know it Christmas will be upon us once more.
I'm way behind in my Tales playing. I sort of finished Tales of Graces F (just not the after story) and made it 3/4 of the way through Vesperia. Both Tales of Xillia games sit upplayed as does Zestiria. Not sure when I'll get to them given that my son monopolizes the game room and I am relegated to handheld or PC most of the time.
Good to have you blogging again. Ranger stories please.
My wife makes a great duck based on a Paui Prudhomme recipe. Sadly it takes all day to make so we don't have it very often.
It's good to hear from you whenever you are able. Your contributions are welcomed and no one expects the Spanish Inquisition you to be posting every day.
Hmmm, now you've got me thinking I might have to buy this.
I have this one and the second game from PSN. I enjoyed what I played of the first game but stopped early on when the difficulty seemed to ramp up and I kept dying in the park. I should try it again.
I tried the second game but have no idea why they chose to revert to RE tank controls when there was nothing wrong with the controls in the first game.
LOL, yeah depending on how they are incorporated. There are other tracks on the album that are strictly demon vocals and screaming. Haven't warmed up to them yet.