Not that I really know anything. I will say that it is nice that Nintendo is selling the game at a lower price point. The game with DLC only amounts to $45, which seems pretty reasonable to me.
Not that I really know anything. I will say that it is nice that Nintendo is selling the game at a lower price point. The game with DLC only amounts to $45, which seems pretty reasonable to me.
I downloaded Memories of Celceta last week when it was half off on the PSN. I haven;t touched it yet because I do want to finish Oath in Felghana first. I only spent a little bit of time with the series, but it was enough to know that I would enjoy it. Sort of a hyperactive Legend of Zelda.
I do have a copy of III on my Wii. I just don't know which level to start with, that is why I havent finished that game.
Mario Kart Wii is cheaper than most. I could never put my finger on it, but it finally dawned on me when my brother-in-law mentioned that characters slow down to a stop near the finish line so that you can pass them and feel good about yourself.
I don't really hate the game, I just get frustrated when I go from first to twelfth in a matter of seconds. I don't ever remember that happening in the other games.
I just have issues with realistic racers. That is one of the big reasons that I gravitate towards Mario Kart. That and F-Zero.
the Vita one doesn't seem to be an HD collection, so when I looked at the file size on the Vita storefront it was actually only 4 GB. Thank God.
There are some benfits to digital purchases as far as Sony is concerned. The Vita is the only console that I would actively push going all digital... There are a ridiculous amount of sales and the game carts are so frickin small they can easily be lost.
Pleasure, my wife and I are going to visit my sister while she is still over there.
My one brother played through both Shadowrun Returns campaigns and I think that he enjoyed them both, but the Berlin campaign was superior. That is one reason to buy it on the PC, it has the second campaign even if it is DLC.
At the very least play through the first X game. The second one feels a bit off to me, not necessarily in a bad way. I may be burning out on Mega Man quicker than anticipated.
I have yet to actually start my first Tales game. I have a copy of Abyss for the 3DS somewhere. I will probably end up with a copy of Hearts for the Vita.
I thought that I read or heard somewhere that Nintendo could post a loss for the next 20 years and still not actually be in the red. Maybe it was a joke or a dream.