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Cary Woodham's Comments - Page 887

More Swag

Posted on 09/19/2013 at 05:53 AM | Filed Under Blogs

That Atari game with the graffiti graphics is awful.

Namco Museum DS is worth it for Pac-Man Vs. alone.

No Right Answer

Posted on 09/19/2013 at 05:43 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I like PIgnite because he looks like a pro wrestler.

Captain N's Favorite Autobots

Posted on 09/18/2013 at 10:10 PM | Filed Under Blogs

My favorite Autobots are:

Ironhide: He was the first Transformers toy I got.  I loved how all the other robots turned into cool vehicles, but Ironhide turned into a red van.  He was the soccer mom of the Autobots.  Plus he was rad in the cartoon.

Cosmos: He was a green UFO, the second Transformers toy I owned.

Tracks: I just kept him in car form since his vehicle form was cool.

Omega Supreme: He was my 'biggie' Christmas present one year as a kid.  Really cool but a pain in the butt to transform.

Perceptor: He turned into a microscope.

Kup: Only one of the post-animated movie Transformers toys I had. That was around the time I kind of got out of Transformers.  But Kup was a futuristic pickup truck that looked like a used bar of soap, so I had to have his toy.

You know, you should really play Fall of Cybertron, you'd really like it.  --Cary 

Captain N's Favorite Decepticons

Posted on 09/18/2013 at 10:02 PM | Filed Under Blogs

My favorite Decepticons are:

Soundwave: The only time the cartoon ploy worked.  After seeing him in the old cartoon, I had to have his toy when I was a kid.

Astrotrain: His name is just ridiculous, plus he turns into a purple space shutte AND an old timey steam train.  That's just silly!

Shockwave: Sure Megatron turned into a gun, but Shockwave turned into a cool purple gun with sound effects (the toy did). 

Constructicons: I think that's what they were called.  I never understood why they were painted lime green and purple.  You NEVER saw bulldozers that color!

More Vita time, I celebrate 33 years with sleep and give Halo 4 another chance

Posted on 09/18/2013 at 09:51 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Happy birthday!  My birthday was last Sunday.

I'm going to start working on my review of Dragon Fantasy Book II soon!

Favorite Transformers Cartoons

Posted on 09/18/2013 at 05:52 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Yeah I grew up with the original show.  It was awful, but I loved it as a kid anyway.  I never really got into the other cartoons, though.

Have you ever seen the cartoon Transformers: Rescue Bots?  It's a Transformers cartoon aimed at younger kids.  It's not that great, but I thought it was neat that they made a Transformers cartoon for the younger set.

$8 Super Nintendo

Posted on 09/18/2013 at 05:49 AM | Filed Under Blogs

The SNES is my all-time favorite game console.

Today's Swag

Posted on 09/17/2013 at 07:25 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Glad to help! There's another Namco Museum game on the Wii called Namco Museum Megamix.  It's basically the same game, but with one new 3-D update (Pac-Grobda), and a different set of classic games to play.

My Thoughts and Suggestions for Smash Bros. 4

Posted on 09/17/2013 at 07:23 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I wouldn't count on Bomberman or Bonk to be in it, as Konami bought out Hudson and squelched them.

If the game had Pac-Man in it, it would have nearly every one of my favorite video game characters. 

Captain Syrup would be a good obscure Nintendo entry.

Tonights the GTA 5 Midnight Release

Posted on 09/16/2013 at 07:35 PM | Filed Under Blogs

None of the games I like get midnight releases.  Poor me. :)

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