That Atari game with the graffiti graphics is awful.
Namco Museum DS is worth it for Pac-Man Vs. alone.
That Atari game with the graffiti graphics is awful.
Namco Museum DS is worth it for Pac-Man Vs. alone.
I like PIgnite because he looks like a pro wrestler.
My favorite Autobots are:
Ironhide: He was the first Transformers toy I got. I loved how all the other robots turned into cool vehicles, but Ironhide turned into a red van. He was the soccer mom of the Autobots. Plus he was rad in the cartoon.
Cosmos: He was a green UFO, the second Transformers toy I owned.
Tracks: I just kept him in car form since his vehicle form was cool.
Omega Supreme: He was my 'biggie' Christmas present one year as a kid. Really cool but a pain in the butt to transform.
Perceptor: He turned into a microscope.
Kup: Only one of the post-animated movie Transformers toys I had. That was around the time I kind of got out of Transformers. But Kup was a futuristic pickup truck that looked like a used bar of soap, so I had to have his toy.
You know, you should really play Fall of Cybertron, you'd really like it. --Cary
My favorite Decepticons are:
Soundwave: The only time the cartoon ploy worked. After seeing him in the old cartoon, I had to have his toy when I was a kid.
Astrotrain: His name is just ridiculous, plus he turns into a purple space shutte AND an old timey steam train. That's just silly!
Shockwave: Sure Megatron turned into a gun, but Shockwave turned into a cool purple gun with sound effects (the toy did).
Constructicons: I think that's what they were called. I never understood why they were painted lime green and purple. You NEVER saw bulldozers that color!
Happy birthday! My birthday was last Sunday.
I'm going to start working on my review of Dragon Fantasy Book II soon!
Yeah I grew up with the original show. It was awful, but I loved it as a kid anyway. I never really got into the other cartoons, though.
Have you ever seen the cartoon Transformers: Rescue Bots? It's a Transformers cartoon aimed at younger kids. It's not that great, but I thought it was neat that they made a Transformers cartoon for the younger set.
The SNES is my all-time favorite game console.
Glad to help! There's another Namco Museum game on the Wii called Namco Museum Megamix. It's basically the same game, but with one new 3-D update (Pac-Grobda), and a different set of classic games to play.
I wouldn't count on Bomberman or Bonk to be in it, as Konami bought out Hudson and squelched them.
If the game had Pac-Man in it, it would have nearly every one of my favorite video game characters.
Captain Syrup would be a good obscure Nintendo entry.
None of the games I like get midnight releases. Poor me. :)