ah, not yet. been a while since I thought about it actually. IT was basically about the curse of fame. Plus, Dig Dug was a misogynist (obviously).
ah, not yet. been a while since I thought about it actually. IT was basically about the curse of fame. Plus, Dig Dug was a misogynist (obviously).
I once started a Dig Dug fan fiction called "Pump 'Em Til They Explode: The Totally True Confessions of Dig Dug."
it gets pretty damn hot here in Arizona pretty soon, but I'm getting used to it. 70 feels cold to me now!
Those are some beautiful pics.
ah, they're not in sharing state right now, sorry. I'm working on it!
no, I haven't gotten into GoT yet. I'm probably gonna watch it once it's over. But I do write Star wars and BAtman fan fiction for the hell of it sometimes.
I'm a big believer in fan fiction myself. I write my own, and I believe in people doing it. I think it's good to create a world people want to inhabit with their own stories. Writers who can't take it are bitches.
that's not a book!
That's a tome.
i played a lot of the first couple MArio Parties and they were great. My friends and I had a lot of fun. Lost track after that, and moved on, but I always heard the new ones weren't good.
I'm quite excited for the new Mario Kart. Looks like so much fun.
yeah dead space is a pretty good stomping simulator.
I hate non-kitten raping cunts too.