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Jesse Miller's Comments - Page 10

Stuff I Do

Posted on 06/20/2013 at 09:02 AM | Filed Under Blogs

The idea of forums has come up quite a bit as we expand our community features here at PixlBit.  I'm not sure that we'll do pure forums, but there will likely be something comperable to expand community discussions beyond the simple blogosphere. 

And if you guys have any ideas regarding community based features that you'd like to see, feel free to message me directly.  Nick, other members of the staff, and myself are taking note of what you guys want so we can provide the community tools that just don't exist anywhere else.  We don't want to be just another video game blog or news site.  We want to be a place people come to discuss one of their favorite hobbies, and other related topics.

Favorites of E3 2013: In Picture Form

Posted on 06/18/2013 at 05:16 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Regarding X, you should have seen some of the original images that resulted in that google search.

Favorites of E3 2013: In Picture Form

Posted on 06/18/2013 at 05:15 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I am excited for Witcher 3, but I'd already seen a bunch on it - nothing to get me more excited than I already was ;)

Changing trends in game design

Posted on 06/18/2013 at 09:12 AM | Filed Under Blogs

As an industry, we've been long obsessed with making our video games as "real" as possible, even though they are anything but.  The seventh generation lost a lot of the joy that was present in previous generation's presentation of games. 

For example, Link in Wind Waker vs. Link in Twilight Princess.  Some may argue that Twilight Princess Link is the better, but I'm not seeing an HD remake of that game.  As our machines got more powerful, our desire to overcome graphical hurdles with more styalized and artistic imagery diminished.  Now that we've reached the point of diminishing returns (nothing I've seen thus far has screamed crazy leap in graphical fidelity) I hope developers start to lose interest in providing the most realisitic games possible.  These games will always have their place, but instead of trying to recreate reality, let's get back to creating brand new realities - these are the games that will be remembered years ago.

Unofficial Rage Quit: Microsoft Comes Clean

Posted on 06/07/2013 at 05:49 PM | Filed Under Blogs

That's the combo I'll be rocking this next generation.  Waiting for new graphic cards to come out before I complete my PC, and I already have my Wii U/3DS. 

The Best Buttons of All Time

Posted on 05/24/2013 at 03:57 PM | Filed Under Feature

The debauchery was always my favorite part of Fable.

Why Virtual Console Continues to Disappoint

Posted on 04/30/2013 at 10:57 AM | Filed Under Blogs

The biggest problem with adding online multiplayer to older games is cost.  These games were not designed with online multiplayer in mind and would require quite a bit of re-tooling.  The cost of this would be passed on to the consumer (a reason why those upgrading to Wii U versions of virtual console games they already have on the Wii).  Would consumers be willing to fork over extra money for an online version of River City Ransom, ExciteBike or others? 

I honestly don't think the market is there for these games, as cool as it would be.

My biggest gripe is the wait between releases.  I find it shocking that the Wii U virtual console, a service we have been waiting for, only has a few titles out for it.  And don't get me started on proper releases.  By the time Pikmin 3 comes out, It'll have been 9 months since the last major releases at launch!

Backloggers Anonymous Poll Results

Posted on 04/26/2013 at 12:23 PM | Filed Under Feature

Jesse is disappointed in lack of response to Spec Ops: The Line.  Jesse may have to write editorial explaining why you needs to play it.

Episode 9: Food is Better with Kinect Edition

Posted on 04/25/2013 at 02:14 PM | Filed Under Feature

I actually remember the Donkey Kong Country one now too.  I watched the crap out of that.  Wish I still had those tapes....

Reliving the Glory Days?

Posted on 04/18/2013 at 11:38 AM | Filed Under Feature

I actually like it, because it matches what that particular incarnation of Link looked like (check out the manual - it's a pretty good rendering of that artwork). 

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