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bullet656's Comments - Page 10

Dolly Parton's vocals done by a guy and sped up like the Chipmunks

Posted on 07/04/2014 at 08:17 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Awesome.  I like it.  I like the original too.  I've always liked Dolly Parton. 

Mens Rights Activists

Posted on 07/04/2014 at 08:10 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I don't understand it either.  People are crazy.  Do some men really think they have it so bad that they have to be militant and crazy about it?  And if so, how can they really not understand why some women, who objectively have had it much worse throughout most of history in pretty much every country, are driven to being militant feminists?  It just doesn't make any sense. But the internet is full of people that don't make sense.  It makes everyone think they are right and supremely intellegent, because they always find people that agree with them.

Mens Rights Activists

Posted on 07/04/2014 at 08:04 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Funny meme...and accurate. Few things are more annoying than reading comments from people that constantly whine about other people that are actually trying to change injustices in the world (although admittedly some are just plain assholes about it).  There are few things more hypocritical than when someone whines about someone else standing up for what they believe in by saying their time could be spent better by doing something else. At least they are trying to do something other than just spending time shit-talking to someone they don't like.

Unexpected price drops at TRU, pickups and Shin Megami Tensei IV question.

Posted on 06/20/2014 at 12:33 PM | Filed Under Blogs

It's just the first town.  Later on you start navigating to cities on an overworld map, and then in the cities you run around in third person like in the first dungeon.  I'm not really sure why they did the first town like that.  It probably turned off alot of people who didn't know it was going to change later on.

Buying a House is a Bitch, and Other Updates

Posted on 06/20/2014 at 08:50 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Overall I'd say buying a house is worth it, but don't think the headaches will stop once you close on it (I bought one 5 years ago).  You start to realize just how easy it was to rent once you have to pay to replace the AC, to repaint, to re-shingle, to fix plumbing, etc.  But I'm still glad I'm an owner as opposed to a renter. I like doing home improvement projects, and the overall freedom that goes with owning a home is great.  

Unexpected price drops at TRU, pickups and Shin Megami Tensei IV question.

Posted on 06/20/2014 at 08:21 AM | Filed Under Blogs

One thing I would say is to not judge the non-combat portions of the game until you make it out of the first dungeon.  The way the opening town is displayed (static, first person screens) is not the way the rest of the game is.  Once you finally make it to the bottom of the first dungeon the game opens up more. 

I'm not trying to be a cheerleader for the game, because I know everyone has differing opinions, but I remember being not sure what I felt about the game at first when I saw the first town was navigated entirely through menus. 

Also, fyi, don't be discouraged when you meet one of the first bosses (the minotaur).  He was extremely difficult when I got to him, and I've seen on the internet very many similar reactions.  The encouraging thing is that once you beat him, there are not really too many other bosses in the game that are nearly as difficult.

Unexpected price drops at TRU, pickups and Shin Megami Tensei IV question.

Posted on 06/19/2014 at 03:51 PM | Filed Under Blogs

The game is pretty long.  I'm not sure how long it took me, but I'm sure it was well over 50 hours, so if long games are a turn off then I wouldn't get it.

If you've played Persona, then you should be familar with the combat system.  It's basically the exact same with the exception of not having a negotiate option.  The non-combat part of the game, while having some unique features, is similar to many other JRPGs.  I'd say the major difference is the setting.

As for being a good game for beginners of the series, I'd say it's probably as good as any.  It was the first "true' SMT game I played (although I had already played all of the Persona games, of which the first two  are similar to typical SMT style).  I really enjoyed it and have since gone back and played SMT III as well as a few spin-offs.

Unexpected price drops at TRU, pickups and Shin Megami Tensei IV question.

Posted on 06/19/2014 at 03:37 PM | Filed Under Blogs

It's hard to say if you would like the game or not, but if you think it looks interesting I'd say go for it.  Personally, I loved it (although I'm finding out that I love every SMT game I play).

If  I remember correctly, the dungeon crawling is actually 3rd person.  It's just the fight scenes that are in first person (as well as the beginning town).  And yeah, you can 'capture' demons by negotiating with them and then use them in battle.  You can also fuse the demons together to create other demons that are often more powerful.

Negotiating with demons is kind of annoying and seems to be really random at times, but I really enjoy the combat system in SMT games.  You have different types of attacks (elemental, physical, etc), and most enemies (and allies) have different weaknesses or resistances.  If you hit an enemies weakness you get an extra turn, and if they are particularly strong against an attack you actually lose a turn (same happens if they hit you).

It's Thursday the 12th!

Posted on 06/13/2014 at 07:38 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I don't have a PS4, so I can't say for sure, but I read recently that the PS4 does not yet play PS1 and PS2 classics.  Sony has said they are working on it though.

As Predicted: Digital Devil Saga 2 on PSN Next Week

Posted on 06/04/2014 at 05:42 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Hell yes. I'm loving the recent re-releases of the PS2 SMT games.  I missed out on all of them at the time, so I've got a lot to catch up on.   I've really enjoyed all the ones I've played so far. A month ago I beat Devil Summoner and am now about 25 hours into Nocturne. I bought the first Digital Devil Saga game when it came on PSN a couple weeks ago, and will buy this one too. 

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