Posted on 09/20/2013 at 11:04 PM
| Filed Under Blogs
Well said! I never understood all the controversy over game scores, either. While there are certainly plenty of objective aspects to judge a title's merit upon, we can't forget that games are art, and art is very subjective in terms of an individual's preference and what speaks to them.
My favorite game of all time is Kirby's Dream Course, and that generally gets around a 7.5 - 8 in reviews - it would be stupid for me to get angry at that, all that tells me is that this game reached me artistically and in terms of mechanics and gameplay in a way that it might not affect other gamers. In a way, it makes it all the more special.
Gamers love to whine about uniform reviews, crying out for differentiation from reviewers, and then someone actually has an opinion and the gamers turn into the infected from 28 Days Later. If we as a community want to be taken seriously, we need to act like rational, logical adults, not the bigots and morons whom the vast majority of us would seek to differentiate ourselves from.