Heh yeah she's better,just needs to take it easy. they may pay someone to look after her while my Dad and Uncle are away at work most of the weekdays. Uh you mean DeviantArt prints?..Cause if so I am not sure how that works or..Are you reffering to using a site like Redbubble,Society6 or something like that? Cause i've seen people sell prints and stuff that way..
I may get around to posting about it soon-ish but still drawing up some stuff I am gonna upload and show them than likely put them up on deviantart,possibly to a update on it if I can manage..By the way the second part was talking about Persona Q..I just realized it could almost be mistaken for being part of the request somehow..('v' ;) (At least by someone else..)
Glad to see your doing well for the most part..Hope things go well at the doctor..~ I should (Hopefully) have a blog up soon-ish...Maybe just a small update if not some news I feel like sharing.(Nothing huge but just feel a bit proud I guess is the word..And may be able to get to it soon-ish..Depends.)
Hehe,yeah I've been collecting art and stuff of Godseaster 2 for possible use in wallpapers and banners,also for character refference..Your welcome,friend.~
Heheh..Well whatever the outcome...Congrats Ben!~ It's always pretty nice for us fellow net-hermits to find a good buddy through the web we can chat up without lookin' clingy OR come off as obnoxious..~ Heh..I started off with Star Ocean 3 a long time ago,haven't gotten to finish any of the others plus I've had my eye on a couple of PSPvita games that haven't been confirmed or denied for a US release as of yet..~
Hehe,well it's supposed to be a request but it was surprsingly detailed and I'm bascially designing a character. Mostly waiting for big chunks of gameplay but I am excited for what promotional art thier gonna do..Not to mentione possible Limited edition pre-order bonuses..>:y
Heheh..See ya when you get back..~
Ah..I'd love to see it though..I think a lot of what we pour time and thought into can say something a bit different than words could..If that makes sense..Anyway thanks..~ I guess I have sorta been working toward comics in a way..(If you saw the comic in the New Years post that is a recent example.)I just kinda struggle with motivation at times..Plus I've read and watched a lot of entertainment media,anime and non-anime related stuff..Plus reading kinda made it harder to just through something out that doesn't feel like the best it can be or at the very least a decent effort..
Haha..Your funny. ..2010?..Was it that far back..Maybe,I did sort of focus more on sketching or graphics work..I guess I've always been a bit fidgety and can't really sit and do nothing for too long..Heh..Your welcome,actually you could use something like tinypic for storing stuff that is rough or doesn't have your name printed on it yet. I use it a lot for some of my sketches and graphic work,there is also imgur if that works better for you but I know tinypic has no gigabyte limit like photobucket.(Although funny enough I think tinypic might be co-owned or maybe it was bought out? by photobucket..Or vise versa..I forget..) Not sure if imgur has any gig limits maybe it syas as you sign up..I know I use both cause i can share imgur through my phone since it has an app and tinypic is for general storage incase I lose data,since my work is mostly image based(My Writing spot's website and app covers the small amount of writing I do..)
Heh,thanks..Well hopefully that will be the too I look forward to what you have been working on..~