kinda the same way myself. but mostly because I swore Id finally get around to beat ocarina of time before I get to other games. im bad like that when it comes to zelda games. ive yet to even beat the minish cap.
kinda the same way myself. but mostly because I swore Id finally get around to beat ocarina of time before I get to other games. im bad like that when it comes to zelda games. ive yet to even beat the minish cap.
i wonder if archers are the fps equivelant of scope sucking humps that use snipers weapons than in your face shotguns...
yep. was later releases as a PSN title complete with add on content that made the game online connected for online vs matches. my wife loved that game on my psp but i hated the one cheap female charater on there. forgot what her name was but she was very cheap.
thanks. been feeling the urge to blog again.
Wow. just wow.
I never knew something like this was happening right on Youtube. And about game making to boot. Not sure if this is an interesting thing or a bad thing. It makes me think twice about the comment section on youtube. I just considered them a "fire and forget" kind of comment system. I say my peiace and move on, never knew it goes all out like forums!
Sounds like someone has been playing the game of Life. I'm still looking for the reset button.....
I'm so behind on the TMNT that I didn't even know about the Pizza hut promo. Not sure if I'd even bother with it. I remmeber getting into their promos back in the past but that could've been dominos. I can't remember.
I'm havinga hard time trying to get use to Sanctum 2 on XBLA. I like tower defense, I like FPS's. but for some reason I can't get into this kind of game. Not sure if it's the FPS view or the tower building options that are not really that tall. I've DLed and deleted the demo far to many times. I want to give it a chance but I continue to "not feel it".
So the PS4 buy was more of a prepartion of what is to come in 2015? Sounds like the freebiees are enough to tide you over till then, or atleast till other PS4 titles get your attention.
I am really behind in my Tekken. The most i remember was Dark Resurrection and even those i don't recall.
I call shennanigans on Pac Man though =P
I forgot all about Gamescom! I need to look into this. The Order 1886 does look sweet, I wasn't sure about the game after the QTE moment we saw back at E3.