It's also worth saying we're resting from our flight, for five of us, it was a red-eye, and we got back early this morning. In that respect, expect to hear more about stuff tomorrow, rather than today.
It's also worth saying we're resting from our flight, for five of us, it was a red-eye, and we got back early this morning. In that respect, expect to hear more about stuff tomorrow, rather than today.
Games likely can. Remember the augmented reality tech-demo? Although, if you mean still shots, I don't think any of us thought to ask.
While it isn't something that could just be played anywhere, I wouldn't say getting the full experience out of the demo required tons of space, either. It's perfect for a portable system because it allowed you to move around and see things from different angles.
Trust me when I say it worked in a small area without much space to move in, and worked very well. You wouldn't play it on a bus or a car, but you'd want to show it off to your co-workers in your office ;)
Really? It's been too long since I've played StarFox 64, and I haven't been able to go home to compare directly. Thanks, my apologies for the inaccuracy. I'm editing it out.
They didn't have any voices in the game at all. The scenes where you'd normally hear audio were fast-forwarded. I'd guess they haven't decided what they want to do about voices yet, so they just excluded it from the demo.
I'll let Nick know, but I wasn't doing the uploading! Let me fix the link myself, though, and we'll see if that works.
I fixed it, it should be fine now.
Oh, and they're real-time battles, too.
I want to note that I spoke to all the reps today about Birdo's inclusion in the game, and the collective opinion was that while they could not confirm what characters will make the final copy, there's a very good chance more characters will be included.
Toads do make appearances everywhere, Blue Toad actually was operating a video camera on the basketball floor.
I didn't play it, but I watched a bit of footage. It looked like if you would enjoy a cross between Animal Crossing and Mario Party, you'd like PokePark Wii. There were several minigames and a full story mode, but battling seems to be only a minor part of the game.
Well, I've just found out that the 3DS ports of the N64 games are supposed to have new content beyond the original N64 games.