Tales of Zestiria will be a must buy. And I hadn't heard there was a new Lego Marvel game. That one will be a must-buy, too. Other than that, I'm pretty much in the dark as to what's coming out.
Tales of Zestiria will be a must buy. And I hadn't heard there was a new Lego Marvel game. That one will be a must-buy, too. Other than that, I'm pretty much in the dark as to what's coming out.
I remember seeing them on the shelves, but my mom wouldn't buy them because they were more expensive than the non-licensed ones, and my sister couldn't eat anyhting with artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives. She'd buy me stuff my sister couldn't have, but she tried to make sure it wasn't something that would make my sister feel worse than normal because she couldn't have it.
I loved The Maw. I bought it because Cary recommended it way back when (there's a decently-sized chunk of my collection that was Cary-influenced), I played two levels, got stuck on the third and then distracted by something else. In my quest to go through my game collection and knock some stuff off my backlog, I decided maybe I ought to start with that one.
Sorry I didn't get online yesterday for some Lego Star Wars. Between the cold from hell, rdoing some yard work as part of my cheap rent agreement with my landlady, and first day of work at the new job, I came home and fell asleep on the couch.
Wicked cool. I like how they used games I recognize :)
Actually, you contacted me on FB, lol. I sent you an email a couple of days ago. But yeah, we missed you.
The scary thing is, I would probably like your games.
I think fruit snacks really were better when we were kids. More fruit and other real ingredients and less wax and other artificial ingredients.
Data transfer has long been achieved, my friend. It was so incredibly simple! Swap drives, plug one end of transfer cable into old drive, plug the other into the USB port in the back of the unit (the one above the ethernet port), turn your 360 on, follow the prompts, and boom, all done. I freaked out at first because I kept reading about a utility disc, but you don't one. This youtube video was pretty helpful, as I need a visual representation for things to click in my head.
There's a scratch down the screen from when we first set it up. need I say more?
Worked fine. The whole thing was a lot easier and faster than I thought it would be.
I figure I'm safe for a while, it took me seven years to fill up that 120 GB HDD I had. Unless it's free, I generally don't download games that have physical copies.
I do really well, until I have to go to a department store. I usually go to a family-owned chain called Reny's, and they're a few doors down from this really awesome little independently-owned game store. And then all my resolves gurgles down the drain and I inevitably come home with something that I didn't intend to buy.