I'm with you,Tami. My gut never really stirred me wrong. I'm trying to think of the last game I bought that gravely disappointed me but that was a long time ago.
"Frustrating control schemes" are a pet peev of mine too. Cannot stand em!
I'm with you,Tami. My gut never really stirred me wrong. I'm trying to think of the last game I bought that gravely disappointed me but that was a long time ago.
"Frustrating control schemes" are a pet peev of mine too. Cannot stand em!
Normally I suck at games. I 'm surprised I was able to beat all the bosses in Nier without too much difficulty. Maybe I was just "lucky". lol.
In DP you are better off running sometimes.You also might want to look up a faq because goodies like the walkie talkie and the other weapons with unlimited ammo help a lot!
Clock-tower is a good game and for its' time it could really put the fear into you! I just wish there had been a little more to it to running,hiding,and distaction tactics.
Yet you really feel helpless as Jennifer so "mission accomplished" on that front.
Probably my favorite blend of helpless & capable was Fatal Frame. While you were just an ordinary photographer you could fend off Ghosts with the camera & seeing just how close they'd get in the snap-shots added a lot of tension. I thought that was an inventive balance of "fighting back" yet not being ridiculously over-powered.
I thought about doing this but then feared I'd simply populate the internet with another Flappy-clone in a sky already swarming with thousands!
Still, I imagine it's a good way to keep your skills sharp as a game-maker.
SH 1 wowed me back in the day but that's "pure nostalgia" talking. Truth be told, I never enjoyed Silent Hill's combat so we are on the same page. I understand we are supposed to be "average joe-nobody" so the fear is more intense but that's a poor defense for limited & boring fight mechanics.
Most fans would say "Welp,just take out the combat entirely! Make it so the protagonist can only hide & run away!". But honestly, I'm not usually fond of the Clock-Tower approach to survivor horror either.
Guess I'm hard to please! (I'm also one of the few peeps who "liked" SH: Homecoming)
That Luthor power suit is bad-ass. As for "being a lone blogger" that would have probably been my fate as well. I have not really connected and bonded with any other places quite like I did with 1up and Pixlbit!
Damn hiiim! Beat your bro with a lead pipe until he compensates you! Wait,never listen to my advice. You'll end up in jail having regrets.
Yeah, I would have named it "The amazing journeys of Link" but that's just me. lol. However Zelda still plays a rather big role. She sort of embodies the world Link is trying to save. That and she was pretty damned clever in the way she hid all the Triforce fragments from Ganon.
Me too. Female Link is hawt!
Maybe. lol. It would e a funny spoof on "social justice in gaming" gone too far and too stupid. lol.