I made burritos and taquitos today.
I made burritos and taquitos today.
My brother Jeff was very little when Power Rangers came out, and he had a Power Rangers poster on his wall above his bed. One night before bedtime he was pointing to the characters on the poster and saying who they were. The Pink Ranger was Mommy, the Red one was his Daddy, and Jeff was the Green one. When I asked him which one I was, Jeff just paused and thought for a second and said, "Um, you're the robot." I hope he meant I was the super cool giant robot, and not the little silly one! Ha!
Being able to suplex a giant robot is pretty darn cool, though.
Yeah all the other FF7 human characters are mean. But Tifa is nice.
The only other FF7 characters I liked were Red XIII and Cait Sith.
My younger brother Jeff was really into Power Rangers when he was little, so we rented this a lot back then.
You know what I don't like are vampires. What is so alluring about sucking blood? Yuck!
What I think is cool are ghosts! Ghosts are neat! They don't get enough attention.
Tifa is a neat character. One of the only human characters I liked in FF7.
My brother Jeff and I loved played the TMNT games back in the day. Lots of fun memories and stories.
I'm really looking forward to Dragon's Crown.
I went to a FF orchestra concert and they did the whole opera theme. I was in heaven.
FF6 is my favorite FF game, and one of my top five games of all time. And my other favorite FF games are FF4 and FF9.
Take a look at FF Mystic Quest, it may not be the best, but the music is great.
You should get Poker Night 2 if you like Borderlands.
The Anima game really wasn't that good. The first batch of GungHo Japanese PSOne titles on PSN were better than the second batch.